Developmental effects of different physical culture and sport practices on 6-7 year-old preschoolers



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 27-29

UDC 373.21

Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Starodubtseva
Institute of Physical Education of Tyumen State University, Tyumen


Sport practices are known to cause a variety of developmental effects on mental and physical qualities. An objective of the study was to assess the effects of different physical culture and spot practices on preschool (6-7 years old) children attending a preparatory kindergarten group. The article presents the physical fitness and mental ability test results for the 6-7 year-olds subject to different sport practices. The study found that, irrespective of the sport discipline, boys more often than girls tend to achieve the performance rates in excess of the city average. The study findings are indicative of the sport practices providing efficient means for the mental and physical development of preschool children on the whole and 6-7 years-old boys in particular.

Keywords: 6-7 year old preschoolers, types of physical culture and sport practices, physical fitness, psychophysical development, cognitive development, mental development.


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Received 30.06.2016 г.