Communicative skills building in closed-type establishments using physical education and sport methods



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 18-20

UDC 796.011

Professor, Dr.Hab. N.G. Milovanova1
Master's student I.S. Milovanov1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen


The article reports results of an experimental project to test the ways to cultivate communicative skills in the inmates of closed-type establishments by a variety of physical education and sport methods. Subject to the study were 56 inmates of a corrective colony aged 15-18 years. An Study Group under the project was composed of the 10-graders (18 people) and Reference Group of the 8-9- and 11-12-grade pupils. The study data and analysis gave the means to outline the potential ways of the physical education and sports being applied to cultivate communicative abilities in the inmates. The article describes the diagnostic toolkits applied at different stages of the project to identify problems coming up in the communicative skills building process. The study findings were used to offer promising practical models to cultivate communicative skills in the inmates of closed-type establishments by the relevant physical education and sport methods.

Keywords: communicative skills, physical culture and sport activity, closed-type establishment, communicative skill components.


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Received 05.07.2016 г.