Morphobiomechanical individualization as efficient method to integrate GTO complex to general education system




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 94-97

UDC 796.012

Professor, Dr.Hab., Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation V.P. Guba1
PhD V.V. Konovalov2
Associate Professor, PhD V.V. Presnyakov3
1Smolensk State University, Smolensk
2Secondary school № 26 of Noginsk municipal district, Moscow region, Noginsk
3Vasilevsky Military Academy of Army Air Defense Corps of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, Smolensk


Subject to the study are the current problems of the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex implementation in the national general education system. The study demonstrates the need in some of the ARPCS GTO Complex provisions being revised to tailor them to the age-, anatomy- and physiology-related specifics of the school students including the healthy ones and those qualified with the special health groups. The authors offers recommendations on the relevant Federal State Education Standard being revised to facilitate the GRO Complex implementation process.

Keywords: ARPCS GTO Complex, integration, regulatory framework, Federal State Education Standard, general education system, educational environment.


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Received 05.07.2016 г.