Dynamics of short term memory parameters at physical education lessons based on anticipating approach in primary school




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 40-43

UDC 796.01:159.9

Associate Professor, PhD I.I. Plotnikova1
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. M.D. Kudryavtsev2, 3
PhD, Professor R.F. Prokhodovskaya1
Professor, Dr.Hab. G.Y. Galimov4
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
3Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk
4Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude

e-mail: ira.plotnikova1978@mail.ru

The research paper goal was to develop the content and give an experimental backup to efficiency of the experimental teaching method aimed at developing short term memory of primary pupils during physical education lessons based on the anticipating approach. Study methods and procedure: theoretical analysis and synthesis of research and methodology data; pedagogical experiment; psychological and pedagogical testing; statistical analysis, study of different memory types assessed according to A. Luriya and E. Rogov method (1995). Participants: primary pupils. The carried out experiment proves that experimental method lessons do not only increase students' level of training in technical activities but also improve their memory thus confirming that the above mentioned method is efficient in solving intellectual tasks. Physical education lessons based on the developed method result in a higher increase of all short term memory parameters under analysis. The evaluation of the SG short memory parameters shown after the experiment in comparison with the RG scores proves the data being statistically significant (p<0.05–0.001). Thus it took SG children 70.14±1.44 sec to recall all the words in a set while their peers from the RG showed 85.69±1.21 sec result (p<0.001). The corrected one word reproduction time equaled 16.78±1.13 sec (SG) and 19.47±1.14 sec (RG) (р <0.05). The memory efficiency was set at 36.34±1.6 (SG) and 28.15±1.4 (RG). The short term memory capacity was 60.25±1.2 (SG) and 58.36±1.3 (RG). The image memory scores were set at 8.3±0.31 and 4.98±0.21units for the SG and RG respectively while their verbal-logical memory scores equaled 13.97±0.44 units (SG) and 09.39±0.19 units (RG). The obtained data analysis shows that the short memory parameters changes are more pronounced in the SG than in the RG. For example, the all words reproduction time of the SG significantly decreased from 95.63±1.34 sec in the pretest to 70.14±1.44 sec in the posttest (р < 0.001), the corrected one word reproduction time fell (SG) from 26.24±1.36 to 16.78±1.13 sec (р < 0.001) while the SG memory efficiency grew from 27.87±1.51 to 36.34±1.6 (р < 0.001) by the end of the experiment. The short term memory capacity, image memory and verbal-logical memory also increased in the SG by the end of the experiment.

Keywords: dynamics of short term memory parameters, developmental teaching, primary school, anticipating approach.


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Received 31.03.2016 г.