Special game exercises in basketball to train students not majoring in sports



Associate professor, PhD V.I. Skaliush
Associate professor, PhD I.V. Afanas'eva
Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to optimize the training system for the students not majoring in sports based on special basketball game practices. To help the students master the basketball game basics, we developed sets of special physical practices geared to successfully solve specific educational tasks in the process. The newly designed and purposefully selected practices for the academic Physical Education curriculum in the Team Sports section provide unrestricted opportunities for the individual physical qualities, technical skills and coordination abilities being developed in the students. The sets of special combined exercises give the means to the students to obtain the background knowledge, skills and experience in basketball game to mobilize the individual creative potentials, activate the students’ interest to self-reliant work, individualize the training paths within the mass education process and cultivate due learning and research agenda in the students.

Keywords: special exercises, modular system, technical skill training, applied physical education.


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