Profession-focused practice design for humanitarian occupations: case study of management background



Applicant N.V. Tomilova
Professor, Dr.Hab. E.V. Kuz'micheva
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The articles explores the issues of the profession-focused practice design forms and methods being improved in application to the humanitarian backgrounds provided by the national physical culture and sports universities. Objective of the study was to give experimental grounds for the practices designed to give primary professional skills, abilities and experience based on individualized and individually-grouped training formats for the training tasks mostly referring to the specific management job responsibilities at a physical culture/ sports organization. The experimental study was performed based at the Luzhniki Sport Complex (Moscow) in the period of 2010-2015. Subject to the experiment were the GTSOLIFK students majoring in the Corporate Management and Management disciplines. The study group students’ practices were designed in the individualized and individually-grouped training formats and included sets of practical job-specific tasks dominated by the management job responsibilities (HR manager, advertising manager, sales manager and financial manager). The experiment found significant differences in the rated professional competences and socially important qualities of the study group versus reference group students, the study group showing the notably better rates. The study findings give the grounds to recommend the practical experience for application in the bachelors’ education curricula for humanitarian disciplines at the national physical culture and sports universities.

Keywords: profession-focused practice, implementation methods, occupations.


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