Theoretical sport concept based on dialectical method: discussing modern sports of modern sport)



Professor, Dr.Sc.Philos., winner of the National Award in the field of physical culture and sports in 2014 V.I. Stolyarov
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow

The study gives substantiations for the idea that a success of a theoretical sport concept and its social and cultural role in the modern world largely depends on the methodology applied. It is the logical and practical procedures to define the key notions and dialectic principles and provisions that are of special importance in this context. The article gives an overview of the key provisions of the dialectical sport concept and its modern version. Long-term studies of the author and his followers have resulted in the dialectic and humanistic modern sport concept being developed and actively implemented in practice.

Keywords: dialectical method, concept, sport, theoretical concept.


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