Core research areas and accomplishments of Lesgaft university



Professor, Dr.Hab. S.M. Ashkinazi
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Keywords: P.F. Lesgaft University, research activity, research education schools, integration.

Background. For the past 120 years of active research activity, the achievements of the education, theoretical and practical research projects performed by the academic and research staff of the University have both laid the foundation for and heavily contributed to the Russian school of physical education, competitive training and the physical culture theory and practice [1-3].

Objective of the study was to summarize the achievements of the research activity of the academic and research staff of P.F. Lesgaft National State University (St. Petersburg) for the last decade.

Study results and discussion. Presently, the research activity at P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health (St. Petersburg) goes along the following key lines:

  • Research activity as such including fundamental works, surveys and applied studies focused on the issues of importance for the national physical culture and sports sector; general theoretical studies to address a variety of issues of the national physical culture theory and practice, including those of priority for the national education system and process;
  • Implementing the research findings in practices of the educational and research establishments, plus in the education and training practices of the Russian national teams and provincial teams of the Russian Federation in different sport disciplines;
  • Training the research and education specialists for the national research and educational system;
  • Research information processing, patenting and licensing activity;
  • Organizing and staging major international, Russian and provincial research and practical forums; and
  • Developing, in a most active format, research cooperation and coordination with a wide variety of universities, research organizations and public scientific associations in the Russian Federation and abroad.

In 2015, the University entered a new integration stage in the research activity by establishing the Medical Research Education Cluster “Translational Medicine” (on a decision of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) with the V.A. Almazov North-Western Federal Medical Research Centre under the Ministry of Health of the RF; the Federal State Autonomous Higher Educational Establishments Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg National Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics Research University;  St. Petersburg  State Electrical Engineering University named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin); the State Budgetary Higher Professional Education Establishment St. Petersburg State-owned Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; and the Federal State Budgetary Higher Professional Education Establishment Baltic State Technical University “VOENMECH” named after D.F. Ustinov. The Cluster was designed to form a basis for the national medical science and health sector development; secure proactive research and technological sector development; train sector specialists; encourage the research developments being implemented in the health sector practices on a more efficient basis; establish a full translation cycle for the research, design and test activities including the efforts to make preparations and industrial prototypes in the top priority areas of the national science and technologies [6].

The core research areas of the newly established Cluster were the following:

  • Forecasting and analytical activity, including prognoses; biomedical and pharmaceutical research development planning; road mapping and implementation; setting priorities in the development process lines, including the new internet-based instrument application ones; expert services to different projects; consulting services to the state-owned establishments on the issues within the scope of activity of the Cluster;
  • Research, design and test work organizing and managing activity;
  • Educational activity including the efforts to  develop practice-centred curricula customized for the actual needs of the national science and business; train and retrain the specialists and motivate and employ gifted young people;
  • Informational activity, including the initiatives to disseminate the key ideas of the Medical Research Education Cluster through mass media organizations; provide informational support to the Cluster initiatives; keep in contact with the relevant Russian and European clusters and other relevant establishments; hold conferences, meetings, workshops, schools and other events;
  • Institutional and financial provisions to help lure private and corporate contributions to the Cluster projects and programs; and
  • Provisions to secure the Medical Research Education Cluster operations being run on a stable basis [6].

The pride of our University and the valuable asset of the sector on the whole is its Research Education Schools registered with the St. Petersburg Government Committee for Science and Higher School Register of the Leading Research and Research-Education Schools [1], as follows:

  • Elite boxers’ individualized training theory and practice (Boxing Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Coach of the RF, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education V.A. Tajmazov);
  • Biomechanics of strength abilities (Biomechanics Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor A.V. Samsonova);
  • Biomechanical methods of physical work capacity rating and correction (Biomechanics Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Med., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education) S.S. Mikhaylov);
  • Educational hydro-rehabilitation (Hydro-rehabilitation Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education D.F. Mosunov).
  • Didactical revision of coach and athlete’s activity in team sports (Team Sports Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Coach of the RF, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education Y.R. Yakhontov);
  • Athletic training systems in different wrestling sports: theoretical and practical grounds and methods of improvement (Wrestling Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Coach of the RF, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education B.I. Tarakanov);
  • Psychological support for competitive performance success (Psychology Department named after A.T. Puni, Scientific adviser Dr.Med., Associate Professor Y.K. Rodygina);
  • Modern sport, recreation and health technologies of body building (Body Building Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education G.P. Vinogradov);
  • Modern development trends in the physical education theory (Physical Education Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education Y.F. Kuramshin);
  • Adaptive physical education theory and practice (Adaptive Physical Education Theory and Practice Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education S.P. Evseev;
  • Physiological mechanisms and adaptation regularities in elite sports (Physiology Department named after A.N. Krestovnikov, Scientific adviser, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education A.S. Solodkov); and
  • Functional anatomy in sport activity (Anatomy Department, Scientific adviser, Dr.Biol., Professor M.G. Tkachuk).

The State Institute of Social-Economic Problems, Sports and Health Improvement Technologies (GNIISEPiSOT) carriers out ambitious research projects to explore the key psychological, educational, physiological, biochemical, genetic and immunologic regularities of the physical education, health improvement and competitive activities; and the institutional, management and economic issues of the physical culture and sports sector. The GNIISEPiSOT performs state orders and contracts with the Ministry of Sports and other government agencies by involving the relevant specialists from the University departments, postgraduates and applicants, plus specialists of outside organizations including S.M. Kirov Military Medicine Academy; the Federal State Budgetary Establishment (FSBE) V.A. Almazov North-Western Federal Medical Research Centre under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; FSBE LabStory Medical Laboratory etc. Many research projects were completed to study athletes’ conditions; improve training systems; and design the most efficient performance and work capacity correction methods; with the relevant sets of tests being used in the studies to rate athletes’ mastery levels and psychological, psychophysical, clinical-physiological, biomechanical, immunological, biochemical and hormonal condition factors. Subject to the tests were many elite athletes, and the applied test rates varied from 100 to 250 in different projects. A variety of physical, chemical and pharmacological tools were applied separately and in different combinations to correct athletes’ functionality and work capacity rates.

Every research project has ended up with practical recommendations that, when implemented, have helped improve the training process performance parameters and the competitive accomplishments. In 2012, for instance, the practical recommendations helped the national biathlon team of Russia win the following: two first places in the World Cup in the Czech Republic; two first places in the European Youth Championship in Slovakia. Dmitriy Malyshko won the 1st place in the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games in relay biathlon event [4]. In the 2015 Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, golden medals were won in the group routines [5].

It may be pertinent to mention the leading role played by researchers of our University in the theoretical and practical support to the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team provided by the research team under leadership of the Gymnastics Theory and Practice Department, Dr.Hab., Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education R.N. Terekhina and Research and Education Specialist Training Faculty Dean, Theory and Practice Department Professor, Dr.Hab., Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education Y.N. Medvedeva; national curling team support provided by Chief Coach of Russian National Teams, Curling Theory and Practice Department Head, Dr.Hab., Professor Y.V. Shuliko; and the national taekwondo team support provided by Chief Coach of the Russian National Team, Boxing Theory and Practice Department Head, PhD, Honorary Sport Master of Russia, Honorary Coach of the Russian Federation A.M. Simakov.

In the 120-anniversary year, the Research and Education Specialist Training Faculty comes to its own 90th anniversary as it was established back in 1926 when a post-graduate division was founded under Lesgaft National State University by a decree of N.A. Semashko, People’s Commissar of Health. As things now stand, the Research and Education Specialist Training Faculty of Lesgaft National State University (St. Petersburg) operates as a research education unit forming an integral part of the universal system of permanent education and a main establishment for training of highly skilled research education specialists. The Faculty provides highest-quality training and advanced training services to postgraduates, doctoral and PhD students. For its ninety-years history, the Faculty has trained more than 1200 PhD and Doctors in a wide variety of research sectors and disciplines for services to the national physical culture and research establishments and the physical education departments in the non-sport educational establishments of the country.

Presently, postgraduates, doctoral and PhD students run their research projects at 30 departments of the University. Highly skilled research and education specialists are trained on the following departments: Physical Education Theory and Practice Department; Adaptive Physical Education Theory and Practice Department; Gymnastics Psychology, Biomechanics, Theory and Practice Department; Wrestling Theory and Practice Department; Boxing Theory and Practice Department; Team Sports Theory and Practice Department; Track and Field Athletics Theory and Practice Department; Athleticism Education, Theory and Practice Department; Swimming Theory and Practice Department; Physiology Department; Preventive Medicine Department; Anatomy Department; Biochemistry Department etc. At the present time, 158 people are being trained at the Research and Education Specialist Training Faculty, including 113 postgraduates (81 Russian and 4 foreign citizens), 7 doctoral and 66 PhD students.

For the last 5 years, the research process at the University has resulted in many new technical solutions patented by 9 patents and 8 databases. Furthermore, the long-term research project accomplishments of the University were acknowledged by the following patents:

  1. Invention Patent #49-S “Regularity of temporal genetic program in annual cycle of individual human development process” by V.A. Tajmazov, V.I. Shaposhnikova and R.P. Nartsisov.
  2. Invention Patent #52-S “Natural correlation of the human body functionality with affecting isometric physical loads” by V.A. Tajmazov, A.A. Khadartsev, N.A. Fudin, V.A. Orlov, V.M. Es’kov, V.D. Zverev, D.D. Dal’skiy, A.V. Naumenko, K.V. Protchenko, V.V. Viktorov, D.V. Koreshnikov and A.A. Nesmeyanov.

Today the University is staffed with the excellent research and academic personnel to run the active project research, train postgraduates, doctoral and PhD students. The present staff includes 2 Honorary Science Figures of Russia, 12 Honorary Figures of Russian Higher Education, 15 Honorary Figures of Physical Culture of Russia, 23 Honorary Figures of Russian Higher Professional Education Higher, 2 Heroes of Russia, 1 Labour Hero of Russia, 32 Honorary Coachers of Russia, 91 Doctor and 279 PhDs in 16 scientific disciplines and 82 Professors. This is the greatest human asset that enables the University both to actively develop the traditions of the Lesgaft’s and modern St. Petersburg research schools for the benefit of the national physical culture and sports sector and to keep its leading position of a pivotal higher establishment in the national physical culture, sports and health system.

Conclusion. Modern research activity at the University is largely driven by the ideas and traditions initiated and established by P.F. Lesgaft, the founder of the University and the national physical education system, whose ideas have been efficiently developed by his multiple students and followers. It should be emphasized that one of the core concepts that may reasonably bear his name makes an emphasis on the education and research activities being duly integrated.


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  2. Evseev S.P. Nauchno-pedagogicheskaya shkola kak vid integratsii obrazovatel'noy i nauchnoy deyatel'nosti v vysshem fizkul'turnom obrazovanii (Scientific-pedagogical school as a form of integration of educational and research activities in higher physical education) / S.P. Evseev, V.A. Tajmazov, N.G. Zakrevskaya, S.S. Filippov // Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. – 2013. – № 4. – P.11-16.
  3. Kuramshin Y.F. Vozniknovenie i razvitie teorii fizicheskoy kul'tury (Formation and development of theory of physical culture) / Y.F. Kuramshin // Nauchno-pedagogicheskie shkoly universiteta / Nauchnye trudy. Ezhegodnik – 2013 (University pedagogical scholar schools / Publications. Yearbook). – St. Petersburg, 2013. – P. 77-91.
  4. Otchet o nauchno-issledovatel'skoy rabote «Razrabotka metodov kontrolya za sostoyaniem podgotovlennosti sportsmenov na osnove biokhimicheskogo, immunologicheskogo i drugikh vidov biologicheskogo monitoringa» (promezhutochny) (Report on research work "Development of athletes' fitness testing methods based on biochemical, immunological and other types of biological monitoring" (intermediate). Russian Ministry of Sports RF, Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg, UDС 61:796, # state registration number 01200907370, inv. # 03201455126. – St. Petersburg, 2013. – 224 p.
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The article is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the University. It summarizes accomplishments of the research projects at Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health for the last decade and outlines the core areas and prospects of the research activity by the academic staff, research associates, students, masters and postgraduates. Modern research activity at the University is largely driven by the ideas and traditions initiated and established by P.F. Lesgaft, the founder of the University and the national physical education system on the whole, whose ideas have been efficiently developed by his multiple students and followers. It should be emphasized that one of the core concepts that may reasonably bear his name makes an emphasis on the education and research activities being duly integrated.