Physical education and sport self-improvement competency building in students at physical education lessons



PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Opletin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law (Affiliate), Perm
Perm State Institute of Culture, Perm

Keywords: physical education, education, competence, self-developing activity

Background. Modern physical education competences within the frame of general professional culture should meet the modern standard and requirements of the national education system as provided by the new-generation educational standards.

It is the competency-building approach that provides efficient means to consider each physical education lesson within the academic curriculum as an independent and self-developing educational system.

We consider the self-developing competence an integral part of the personality development process driven by the targeted self-perfection motivations with the relevant self-control skills being mastered conditional on a highly determined personal attitude of the trainee to his/ her personality building process. This process should be designed to give equally high priority to the human health improvement and physical development agenda on the one hand and to the intellectual and volitional development plus the social and values-governed orientation of students on the other hand. It is a matter of common knowledge today that it is the physical development and health level and the subject and inter-subject competences formation levels in the physical education domain that are critical for professional success of future bachelors. Therefore, an objective of the bachelors’ academic physical education process, as provided by the modern competency-building educational paradigm, is to form the physical education and sports self-development competence plus the subject and inter-subject personality competences. The bachelors’ physical education process modernization matters were subject to studies by V.K. Bal'sevich, L.I. Lubysheva, V.S. Makeyeva, I.V. Manzheley, V.V. Markelov etc. However, the available methods to rate the student’s progress in the subject and inter-subject personality physical education and sport competences; self-development competences in the physical education domain; emotional, intellectual, volitional and motor activity self-controls; internal and external physical education components of a personality; and health levels of university students – are still imperfect. These methods are not always successful in the integrated development of the above components of the future bachelors’ physical education within the frame of the traditional academic curriculum.

Objective of the study was to explore the ways to improve the academic Physical Education curriculum for the non-physical-culture higher education establishments to provide one more development mechanism for the students’ physical education and sport self-development and the subject and inter-subject personality competences.

Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment was performed at the premises of Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU) and Perm State Institute of Culture (PGIK) in 2010-15. Reference Group (n=78) was trained under the traditional academic curriculum, and Study Group (n=76) was trained under the newly developed special experimental program approved by the PNIPU and PGIK boards that included a standard warm-up workout, energy gymnastics, recreational gymnastics, auto-training mastering, social education and national self-defence practices, and “Grom” personal safety competence building system. Trainee’s personal physical education progress and health was rated by latent variables on a logarithmic logit scale.

Study results and discussion. The educational experiment showed the newly developed students’ physical education and sport self-development competence building technology being efficient. The non-traditional educational methods applied to the Study Group showed their benefits for the health-improvement and educational components of the physical education process. At the first stage of the experiment, the SG vs. RG difference of the students’ physical education and sport self-development and the subject and inter-subject personality competence test rates was insignificant (p>0.05). At the final stage of the experiment, SG vs. RG differences were significant (p<0.05) in every students’ physical education and sport self-development test rate.

Conclusion. The experimental program with the newly developed students’ physical education and sport self-development competence building technology was found efficient in the academic education process due to the reasonably flexible mix of traditional and non-traditional physical education methods and tools with regular educational diagnostics and permanent progress control in the academic and off-class education process.


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The article explores the physical education and sports competence formation challenges in the academic physical education process based on the experimental program designed as a mix of traditional and non-traditional physical training methods. The educational experiment was performed at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU) and Perm State Institute of Culture (PGIK) in 2010-15. Reference Group (n=78) was trained under the traditional academic curriculum, and Study Group (n=76) was trained under the newly developed special experimental program approved by the PNIPU and PGIK boards that included a standard warm-up workout, energy gymnastics, recreational gymnastics, auto-training mastering, social education and national self-defence practices, and “Grom” personal safety competence building system. The trainee’s personal physical education progress and health was rated by latent variables on a logarithmic logit scale.
The experimental program with the newly developed students’ physical education and sport self-development competence building technology was found efficient in the academic education process due to the reasonably flexible mix of traditional and non-traditional physical education methods and tools with regular educational diagnostics and permanent progress control in the academic and extra-curricular education process.