University students' spontaneous aggression versus health rates



PhD A.A. Potsipun
Postgraduate A.V. Malevich
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Oshina
N.V. Vaganova
Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: aggression rate, health rate, sport

Background. As things now stand, there are multiple university physical education/ training process design methods and models offered by the modern sport theory and practice [1, 2, 3], including a variety of reports that explore correlations of personal traits with health standards [4, 5 et al.]. Of special interest for us for the purposes of the study are the findings based on the methodologies that provide and profile objective health-measuring indices, including heart rate, blood pressure, post-exercise heart rate recovery time etc.

Objective of the study was to find correlations of the spontaneous aggression rates versus health rates (as provided by G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method) in the university students of both sexes.

Methods and structure of the study. The spontaneous aggression was rated by the updated Form B of Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI) that offers 12 scales including a spontaneous aggression scale and an openness scale. The spontaneous aggression scale gives the means to identify and rate intro-intensive-type psychopathy, with high scores deemed indicative of the high psychopathy levels that may trigger impulsive behaviour in the subjects. The spontaneous aggression was rated in points, with the low/ average and high aggression scored by 1-3/ 4-6 and 7-9 rating points, respectively.

The openness scale gives the means to rate the subject’s self-criticism and attitudes to the social surrounding. High rating points are deemed indicative of the subject being inclined to sincere and trustful communication being highly self-critical at the same time. It should be noted that rating points on this scale may be more or less indicative of the sincerity of responses to the Questionnaire and, hence, generally similar in this aspect with the “lie scales” in some other questionnaires. Openness was rated in points, with the low/ average and high openness rated by 1-3/ 4-6 and 7-9 rating points, respectively. Filled-in questionnaire forms of the subjects showing low points on the openness scale were neglected by the analysis [6].

Health standards of the subjects were rated using the G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method. The subjects were rated by the following indices: body height, weight, vital capacity, resting heart rate, wrist strength, systolic pressure rate, and heart rate recovery time tested straight after 20 squats in 30 seconds. The individual health rate was scored in points irrespective of the subject’s prior provisional health assessment. The subject’s health was rated in points, with the low/ average and high health rated by 6 minus/ 7-11 and 12 plus points, respectively. It may be pertinent to note that the method has been widely applied before the present study and proved reliable and efficient [7.]

Subject to the study were students of the Saint Petersburg State University natural-science departments, including 240 young men and 99 young women aged 16-20 years. Every subject to the experimental study was qualified by the health condition with the main or preparatory health groups (with no special health limitations applicable).

Study results and discussion. Given in Table 1 hereunder are the experimental data for the subject young men. The Table 1 gives the numbers of the subjects rated low-, average- and high on the somatic health scale by G.L. Apanasenko versus their spontaneous aggression rates. Given in brackets are the percentages of the relevant groups in the total number of tested subjects. The health rates were found well correlating with the aggression rating intervals.

Table 1. Experimental data for the subject young men

Somatic health rates as provided by G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method

Spontaneous aggression rates

1-3 points

4-6 points

7-9 points

Low: 6 minus points

20 (25%)

23 (19%)

17 (47%)

Average: 7-11 points

35 (44%)

49 (40%)

12 (33 %)

High: 12 plus points

25 (31%)

52 (42%)

  7 (20%)

It was revealed by the study data analysis that the highest percentages of the high health rates were correspondent to the low- and average- spontaneous aggression rates, with the aggression rating points varying within a wide range. Furthermore, it was found that most of the low health rates correlate with the high spontaneous aggression rates. Given in Table 2 hereunder are the experimental data for the subject young women.

Table 1. Experimental data for the subject young women

Somatic health rates as provided by G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method

Spontaneous aggression rates

1-3 points

1-3 points

1-3 points

Low: 6 minus points

13 (37%)

15 (28%)

8 (40%)

Average: 7-11 points

12 (34%)

22 (41%)

8 (40%)

High: 12 plus points

10 (29%)

17 (31%)

4 (20%)

The above data shows that the highest percentages of the high health rates fall in good correlation with the low and average spontaneous aggression rate intervals. Only a few high health rates fall within the high spontaneous aggression rate interval. And the highest percentages of the low health rates were found to fall within the same aggression interval.

Conclusion. The study data generated partially by the G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method and data analysis give good grounds to state the following:

  • Low health rates of young men and women largely correlate with the high spontaneous aggression rate intervals, whilst the high health rates mostly fall within the low and average spontaneous aggression rate intervals.
  • Findings of the study may be of interest and benefit for a variety of educational missions at the general education schools, Children’s and Youth Sport Schools, youth clubs etc. and for the relevant physical education specialists, safety experts and coaches in different sports.


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The study presents findings of an experiment designed to rate spontaneous aggression versus health rates, with the G.L. Apanasenko’s method being applied to rate health under the study. Subject to the study were students of the Saint Petersburg State University natural-science departments, including 240 young men and 99 young women aged 16-20 years. Every subject was qualified with the main or preparatory health group. The study data and analysis showed the high spontaneous aggression rates correlating with the low health rates generated by the G.L. Apanasenko’s health rating method. The study results may be of interest for the relevant physical education specialists, safety experts and coaches in different sports.