Modeling of scientific and methodical support of Krasnoyarsk krai regional sport teams


PhD, Vice-rector I. Zubkovskaya
Senior methodologist I. Petrova
Head of department I. Fedotova
Krasnoyarsk Institute of professional development of workers in physical culture and sport, Krasnoyarsk


Keywords: Scientific and methodical support, combined sport teams.

Abstract: In this article the condition of scientific and methodical support of regional combined teams in Krasnoyarsk krai and the structure of its demand are examined.

Based on the analysis, methodical and organizational tasks, as well as Krasnoyarsk Institute of professional development of workers in the physical culture and sport specialists' lines of work that will contribute to quality and usefulness of the offered scientific and methodical support options for combined teams, are proposed.

Introduction. Nowadays elite sport and regional system of sport reserve training are involved into the search for modern scientific and practical achievements that will give an edge to Krasnoyarsk krai athletes at the competitions of different scales. Krasnoyarsk Institute of professional development of workers in physical culture and sport is being actively involved in this process. Based on the results of analysis of scientific and methodical, statistical and standard materials, the main problems of scientific and methodical support for the training of athletes of combined teams, are the following: «insufficiently effective scientific and methodical support management» that does not contribute to the «continuity and introduction of the results of applied scientific researches to the practice of training of combined teams' athletes»; «breach of the productive interaction between the coaches and researchers» [6, p.3]. An attempt of analysis of demand for the present forms of krai combined teams scientific and methodical support was made in this research

Objective of the research was to assess relevance and quality of the institute's suggestions considering scientific and methodological support for the training of Krasnoyarsk krai combined teams' athletes. We set the goal to find out the following: whether data of an analytical information system "Sportreserv" and promoted sport training technologies are demanded in the training of combined teams' athletes; whether the resource of offered scientific and methodological support forms is sufficient for mastering them.

Research organization and methods included: inquiry, content analysis, mathematic statistics methods. The created form was used for the survey of specialists of the educational and sport organizations of the Krasnoyarsk krai who collaborate with the athletes of combined teams of the krai: coaches, coach-instructors, methodists and instructors (67 respondents).

Results and their discussion.

Analytical Information Systems. More than a half (56%) of the respondents use Analytical Information Systems (AIS) for planning or adjusting combined teams athletes' training. Most of them (87%) say that they use the systems' data for training improvement and for planning training results. Figure 1 demonstrates the causes of user non-satisfaction with AIS condition. 44% of the respondents regard absence (difficulty, inconvenience of extraction) of the information that is necessary for the users as the cause of their refusal to use AIS. More than 20% of the respondents point out the difficulties of accessing the systems or «technical difficulties» during the work. 13% are not aware of this resource, which, probably, is caused, as it was mentioned earlier [6, p.4], by scarce knowledge of computer technologies among coaches and their incompetence. An insignificant share of respondents (8%) does not trust the published information as they consider it «biassed» or «out-of-date». Another 4% point out the lack of necessity of the work with the published data.

Present data possibly indicate the need for AIS content concordance with the aims of information support of combined teams' training with regard to the level of information and analytical competency of the involved specialists. Two things are needed: methodological provision of practical AIS application in the training process, as well as development and implementation of further professional education programs that are aimed at improvement of information technology qualification of the specialists of the sphere.

Sport training technologies. Replying to the question «In what processes of your professional activity are modern technologies used?» (Tab. 1) 2/3 of the respondents claim they use modern technologies when «organizing the training».

Table 1. Replies to the question: «In what processes of your professional activity modern technologies are used?»

Answer option

Number of replies

Share of total

number of replies

In athletes' examinations



In training process design



In rehabilitation activities



In athlete's qualities improvement process



It is noteworthy that 58% of the respondents explain that medical examination results are important for impartial evaluation of athletes' functional condition. Some of the respondents (18%) noted that «no modern technologies are used in their sport» and training «is based on personal experience» of the coach.

Survey results demonstrate significant interest towards the problem of recovery and functional ability support of the athletes.

The resource of scientific and methodical support forms. The chart bar (Figure 2) shows the level of contentment with various scientific and methodical support forms (including seminars and other educational activities) of the specialists that collaborate with krai combined teams. The majority (71,6%) of the respondents believes that the existing activities partially fulfill the specialists' need for modern sports training technologies mastering. The sphere of modern control and adjustment methods of the athletes' functional condition is the most “scarce”. The respondents recommend to dedicate more time to planners' probations and physical, technical and functional athlete's resource indices modeling.

The improvement of scientific and methodical support for krai combined teams athletes' training.

Results of the research reveal the following strategies:

  1. Adaptation of AIS, served by the institute (optimization of usage structure and primacy of contents' relevance), to inquiries and possibilities of the professionals that collaborate with combined teams' athletes. At present these systems provide free access to the database of activities of the institutions involved in sport reserve training. They are oriented toward statistical service of the regional system of sport reserve training management tasks (including "personnel statistics", «sport contingent indicators» etc.). This specific character impedes the information usage in more «particular» aims. The problem can be resolved by using special program and methodological means, by increasing the level of information technology qualification of the specialists that collaborate with combined teams' athletes [7, p.59].
  2. Subject's actualization and quality improvement of educational and other services (suggestion of integrated recommendations, counselling, methodological development) related to the introduction of scientifically well-founded approaches and sport training management technologies.

Modern systems of control and athletes' functional condition adjustment draw interest which is connected with the solution of elite sport tasks.

Today most of applied scientific interests are focused on resolving the problem of permissible training and competition exertion limits [2, p.41]. Studies, related to this subject, determine necessary scientific and methodological bases of planning and sport training management [3, p.440].

  1. Experimental work of the training process technical equipment organization in krai combined teams.

Effective personal experience of coaches in training of combined team athletes requires scientific analysis and methodological description for further effective scaling. It will give an opportunity to make up for technological deficiencies of the training process and guarantee professional development of the specialists that collaborate with combined teams' athletes.

  1. Expansion of partnerships with scientific and educational organizations that work in the sphere of sport technologies development.

Long-term links establishment make it possible to plan educational services that improve the skills of combined teams' specialists. It also allows to create and develop an experimental environment in organizations that are connected with sport reserves.


Professional «focus areas» of the experts that work with regional combined teams are: new technologies of «training process planning» and sport training in general, body functional condition monitoring and correction methods, physical, technical, and functional athlete's capabilities' modeling indicators. The indicated directions should define the further strategies for development and improvement of the quality of scientific and methodological support for training of the athletes of combined teams of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.


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