Modeling of strength abilities in women's basketball and futsal
Associate professor, PhD E.V. Kudryashov1
1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm
Keywords: modelling, strength, fitness, female athletes, basketball, futsal.
Introduction. In recent years, contemporary sport games have undergone a number of substantial transformations. Suffice it to compare the rules of basketball, football, table tennis and other sport games of the end of the last and the beginning of the XXI centuries. Such issues as the emergence of new equipment, flooring in gym halls, consideration of individual characteristics are normally related to the improvement of individual competitive results and, as a consequence, the athletic training system as a whole. In this regard, the problems highlighted in this article are urgent and require a thorough investigation.
Objective of the study was to develop the model indices and conduct a comparative analysis of strength fitness of female basketball and futsal players of different skill levels.
Methods and organization of the research. The study was carried out using the following methods: analysis of scientific-methodological and specialized literature, generalization of advanced experience of practitioners in the field of basketball and futsal, educational surveys of the competitive and training activities, polydynamometry, methods of mathematical statistics. Subject to study were 177 female futsal and basketball players (III Class up to Masters of Sport).
Results and discussion. Using the B.M. Rybalko’s method and V.M. Abalakov’s dynamometry, we studied the strength of athletes’ thigh flexor/extensor muscles, shin flexor/extensor muscles, plantar flexor muscles, shoulder flexor/extensor muscles, forearm flexor/extensor muscles, hand muscles, trunk flexor muscles. The findings were used to calculate the relative strength indices using the following formula:
where С- relative strength, С- absolute strength, М – athlete’s body mass.
The studies revealed that the growth of sport skills of female basketball players was associated with the increase of the aggregate indices of relative strength of the upper and lower limbs, as well as the aggregate strength index of all the 11 muscle groups subject to these tests (Table 1).
Thus, the aggregate indices of relative strength of the 5 leg muscle groups equaled 3.51 for the III Class female basketball players, 4.34 – for the II Class ones, and 4.55 – for the I Class ones. For the Candidates for Master of Sport and Masters of Sport this index was equal to 4.75 and 4.88, respectively, (with the significance of differences <0.05).
The aggregate indices of relative strength of the 5 hand muscle groups were as follows: 2.01 in the III Class female athletes, 2.09 and 2.15 in the II and I Class female athletes, respectively. The indices differed significantly (<0.05) depending on athletes’ skill level. In female basketball players, Candidates for Master of Sport and Masters of Sport, these indices equaled 2.35 and 2.47, respectively. However, there were no statistically significant differences among the qualified athletes (>0.05).
Table 1. Model indices of strength fitness of female basketball players of different skill levels
I Class |
II Class |
III Class |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
n=12 |
n=15 |
n=17 |
n=17 |
n=22 |
Relative strength of 5 leg muscle groups |
4.880.02 |
<0.05 |
4.750.08 |
<0.05 |
4.550.05 |
<0.05 |
4.34 0.07 |
<0.05 |
3.510.04 |
Relative strength of 5 arm muscle groups |
2.470.07 |
>0.05 |
2.350.04 |
<0.05 |
2.150.03 |
<0.05 |
2.090.04 |
<0.05 |
2.010.02 |
Relative strength of 11 muscle groups |
7.650.02 |
<0.05 |
7.420.03 |
<0.05 |
7.150.03 |
<0.05 |
6.860.04 |
<0.05 |
5.850.03 |
The changes in the level of development of relative strength of the 11 muscle groups, i.e. all the muscle groups subject to the tests, were statistically significant from the III Class up to Masters of Sport (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Dynamics of changes in relative strength indices in different muscle groups with improvement of sport skills of female basketball players.
Certain patterns were also detected in respect to strength fitness of female futsal players. The results obtained were characterized by the following features: the results of testing of strength qualities changed with the improvement of sport skills of female athletes. There is a particularly direct relationship between these parameters and the growth of sport skills, and not in terms of the strength indices in individual muscle groups, but in terms of their aggregate values. Thus, the aggregate indices of relative strength of the 5 leg muscle groups equaled 4.71 in the III Class female athletes, 4.83 in the II Class female athletes, and 4.92 in the I Class female athletes. In the female futsal players, Candidates for Master of Sport and Masters of Sport, this index was equal to 4.99 and 5.05, respectively (Table 2) (Fig. 2).
Table 2. Model indices of strength fitness of female futsal players of different skill levels
I Class |
II Class |
III Class |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
Р |
mx |
n=14 |
n=15 |
n=21 |
n=21 |
n=23 |
Relative strength of 5 leg muscle groups |
5.050.08 |
>0.05 |
4.990.04 |
<0.05 |
4.920.07 |
<0.05 |
4.830.05 |
<0.05 |
4.710.02 |
Special attention should be given to the analysis of strength indices of various arm muscle groups. When running this line, we detected some insignificant changes in the dynamics of these indices in female athletes with different skill levels.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of changes in relative strength indices in 5 leg muscle groups with improvement of sport skills of female futsal players.
Conclusions. The conducted studies resulted in the following:
- We developed the strength fitness model indices of female basketball and futsal players of different skill levels.
- The comparative analysis of the data on strength fitness of female athletes engaged in futsal and basketball revealed that in football players of all skill levels the strength indices in the 5 leg muscle groups were higher than those in basketball players. In terms of the relative strength indices in the 5 arm muscle groups, we did not observe any significant relationship between these indices and the growth of sport skills of female futsal players.
- The results obtained may be used for the strength fitness benchmarking analysis when organizing the training process in basketball and futsal.
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The process of development of sport science and practice in recent years is undergoing big changes. The intensification of the training process, the ever-increasing competition between elite athletes and other trends in the development of the international sport movement necessitate revising training methods, the structure of the training process, changes in the level of development of motor qualities of those involved. It is no secret that the success of athlete's performance in a competition depends on various criteria, which include fitness indicators. In view of the increased requirements to the implementation of large, and often limit to the human body volume of training work, enormous competitive overloads it is necessary to create a strong athletic base for effective sport activity during the competition. Only in case of sufficient physical fitness potential one can form a quality foundation for further building of a technically competent, tactically prepared, rather functionally stable athlete capable of reaching the pinnacle of success in sport. The stated above helped choose the topic for research. The paper contains experimental data obtained during testing of strength fitness of female athletes of different skill levels, specializing in basketball and futsal. 177 female athletes (III sports category to master of sport) were involved in the study. These indicators were compared and practical recommendations on their use in the training process were given.