Analysis of Tibetan three-factor human constitutional model in sport



Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, Dr.Hab., Professor S.V. Kalmykov
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Sagaleyev
PhD A.S. Tsybikov
Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia


Abstract. In our opinion, oriental medical technology based on the holistic approach to the human body has a clear perspective for the wider introduction into modern national sport. So, the goal of this study is to examine the relationship between constitutional types of athletes by the Tibetan system and psycho-physiological indicators of Western conventional diagnostics. As a result, a close relationship of the eastern constitutional three-factor model with the two-factor model of Eysenck is established and formalized, as well as with personal properties of athletes by Cattell. The connection of the constitutional types with the body mass index (BMI) as an indicator of body and muscle development is identified and described. The findings confirm empirically the eastern description of the human constitutional types in Tibetan treatises Jude-Shi. Thus, the application of the fundamental eastern human constitutional model will enable us to use medical resources of the East in the national physical culture and sports system in a technically correct and efficient way.

Keywords: constitutional type by Tibetan system, wind, bile, phlegm, physical culture and sport, Cattell's 16PF test, Eysenck Personality questionnaire, body mass index, oriental medicine.

Introduction. The problem of identification of individual typological features of athletes founded on basic (innate, almost not changing) psycho-physiological properties and characterizing their athletic potential remains urgent in modern sport. In this regard, the oriental traditional medical technology with a holistic approach to the human body have a clear perspective for the wider introduction into modern national sport, in our opinion, as well as other possible approaches. That is the conclusion we arrive at as a result of studies of the theoretical and methodological material on the Eastern system of health saving, as well as our own scientific and practical research in this area [1]. Despite this, many areas of basic and applied (including sports) Oriental medicine are still insufficiently studied and formalized. [2]

According to Tibetan medicine, functional status and health of the person depend on the balance between the three regulatory systems, called "dosha": "wind" – the nervous system; "bile" – digestive and cardiovascular systems; "phlegm" – endocrine and lymphatic systems. Condition of three regulatory systems in the body is the basic informative indicator for the diagnosis and correction of both physical and psychological states of the person. Usually, type of person by the "wind-bile-phlegm" system is defined using special questionnaires of external examination and pulse diagnosis. Each type is characterized by a number of physiological and psychological characteristics. Constitutional type is usually considered to be innate. However, in practice, it may change due to the influence of living conditions and social factors. For each of them a certain lifestyle and nutrition are recommended. The adaptation of them helps balance the body and maintain health [3-6].

Objective of the research was to examine the relationship between constitutional types of athletes by the Tibetan system and their indicators by Western conventional psychological diagnostics.

Methods and organization of the research. 210 athletes of Buryatia of 18-25 years of age engaged regularly in sports clubs and schools of the city of Ulan-Ude were subject to a questionnaire and psycho-physiological testing. We used the following methods: 1) Cattell's 16PF test (C Form, 108 questions) to identify individual psychological characteristics of athletes; 2) Eysenck method (EPI) to determine the temperament; 3) constitutional type assessment method by the Tibetan human system "wind-bile-phlegm" (99 questions). [3] Data processing and analysis were performed using the Statistica package.

Results of the study. Constitutional type and psychological properties of the athlete’s personality. A relationship between regulatory systems "wind", "bile", "phlegm" and the personal properties of athletes (R = 0.48; c2= 103,6; p <0,01) was revealed using canonical correlation analysis. This relationship was described using Student's t test, which helped find a direct link between the domination of the "wind" in the body and the following personality traits: sociability (t = 2,37; p = 0,02), expressivity (t = 2,21; p = 0,03), alertness (t = 2,69; p = 0,01) and anxiety (t = 2,41; p = 0,02). There is an inverse relationship of the "wind" with the level of self-discipline (t = -2,17; p = 0,03). At the same time, the system of "bile" has a direct relationship with the emotional stability (t = 2,15; p = 0,03) and radicalism (t = 2,54; p = 0,01). A significant association between psychological characteristics and the system of " phlegm" has not been found.

Using analysis of variance to compare constitutional types of athletes on psychological characteristics we got the following results: 1) the level of alertness (suspicion) in the "bile- phlegm" athletes was lower than that of other types except "pure bile" and "pure phlegm" (p <0,05); 2) the level of diplomacy of the "wind-phlegm" athletes was higher than that of other types (p <0,05); 3) but the "wind-phlegm" athletes had significantly higher level of anxiety than other types (p <0,05); the level of anxiety of the triple type "wind-bile-phlegm" was a little higher than that of the "bile-phlegm" athletes (p <0,05), it is obviously the contribution of the "wind". In other psychological characteristics significant differences were not found. The identified relationships correspond with the descriptions of properties of governing body systems in the treatises Jude-Shi [3].

Constitutional type and temperament. It is possible to rate closeness of relationship between the eastern system of constitutional types and the Eysenck's temperament model using the canonical correlation which gives highly significant and medium connection: R = 0.55; c2 = 32.44; p<0,01. Using a standard correlation analysis we detected connections of significant and medium power and a direct relationship between the "wind" and neuroticism (r = 0,43; p <0,01). In other words, if the "wind" predominates in the human body there is a high probability that it has a relatively high emotional instability. This relationship is noted in the oriental descriptions of the nature of the "wind" [4]. The detection of the feedback of "phlegm" and "extraversion" (t = 3,24; p <0,01) is based on a comparison of mediums. It also corresponds to the description of the "phlegm" [6].

Constitutional type and body mass index (BMI). Another part of this study was devoted to the relationship between BMI and regulatory systems of the body, and also the personal properties of the athletes. BMI for professional athletes is regarded as a contact evaluation (indirect) indicator of muscle and body development, but not overweight. Comparative analysis of psycho-physiological types of BMI by LSD method gives the following results: 1) BMI of the "bile-phlegm" was higher than that of the triple type "wind-bile-phlegm" and the type "wind-phlegm" athletes (p <0,01); 2) BMI of "phlegm" athletes was higher than that of the triple type and the type of "wind-phlegm" athletes (p <0,05). Note: the predominance of the "wind" in the body is due to the relatively low muscle mass. It is confirmed by the correlation analysis (r = -0,38; p <0,01; n = 204), analysis of variance (F (2, 201) = 10,321; p <0,01), as well as by Tibetan experts referring to the canons of Tibetan medicine.

The analysis of the relationship of athletes BMI with their psychological properties identified the following: athletes with a "low" level of BMI have higher level ​​of anxiety, sociability, thinking and alertness (suspicion) than athletes with a "medium" level of BMI (p <0,05).

Conclusion. As a result of the study the researchers established and formalized a close relationship of the oriental three-factor constitutional model with the Eysenck's two-factor model and personal properties of athletes by Cattell. The connection of constitutional types with the BMI was identified and described. The findings confirm empirically the eastern description of the human constitutional types in Tibetan treatises Jude-Shi [3-6]. A comparative analysis of conceptually different approaches to psycho-physiological diagnostics of human helps to understand better the paradigm of the East. Thus, the possibility and perspectives of the application of the oriental theory of classification of innate constitutional types of human in the system of physical education and sport becomes justified. In addition, it enables us to use medical resources of the East in the national system of physical culture and sports in a technically correct and efficient way.


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