Specifics of personal professional development of physical education and sports specialists of different types



Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko1
Honoured Worker of Physical Culture, Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
PhD A.V. Korshunov2
1St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Keywords: types of specialists, personal professional development, professional efficiency, self-esteem.

Introduction. It is a great challenge of personal professional development of physical education and sport specialists of different types to determine the key conditions and factors affecting their professional efficiency. The main approach we used when solving this problem consisted in the self-assessment by specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport of their professional competency by the leading components of professional activity.

Research objective was to identify the pedagogical conditions and factors that determine personal professional development of physical education and sport specialists of different types.

Methods and structure of the research. The application tasks were solved using the following methods: physical education and sport specialists' competency assessment and self-assessment by the key components of professional activity; expert survey; factor analysis, etc. [1]. A total of 75 respondents were involved in the study. The results of self-assessment of various aspects of professional activity were supplemented by the results obtained during the expert survey. The respondents were the subjects of physical education and sports organizations of different levels: sport club managers, sport managers, coaching staff. In addition, subject to the expert survey were those specialists, who, according to their functional purpose, corresponded more to the status of the object of control (teachers, administrative staff, athletes). Therefore, we conducted cross-evaluation on a subject-subject basis, which revealed more objective information on the nature and peculiarities of the process of professional development of specialists of different types [2].

The expert survey implied the evaluation of: significant components of professional activity, association between individual components of this activity, importance of this association and weight of individual components, analysis of the factor structure of professional activities, determination of specific types of managerial and teaching, as well as coaching activities.

Results and discussion. The results of the physical education and sport specialists' self-assessment of their level of competency by the leading components of professional activity are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1. Results of physical education and sport specialists' competency self-assessment by the leading components of professional activity

Components of professional activity

Estimate,  %


high rather than low

low rather than high


Speciality knowledge





Methodological competence





Organizational skills





Communication standards





Background knowledge





Educative competence





Readiness to continue studies





Innovative thinking





Propensity for research work





Most specialists evaluated their professional competency as high in such spheres as: speciality knowledge, background knowledge and communication standards, as well as organizational skills. A more conservative estimate was given to their methodological competence, propensity for research work and innovative thinking.

As part of the study we compared the respondents and these activities and identified their implementation opportunities.

The comparative analysis of the features of professional activity based on the self-assessment of physical education and sport specialists of different types has revealed the similarities and differences, i.e. the characteristic features of each specialization [3].

The main features of specialists’ professional activity, determined by the specifics of their work, can be traced in the following five aspects: ranking-based major types of professional activity, noted by specialists; social prestige of their profession, satisfaction with professional activity and leading motivation; major difficulties specialists emphasized in their work; information, economic and juridical literacy.

Analyzing the leading types of professional activity of physical education and sport specialists, it should be noted that sport club managers gave priority to organizational activity, while coaching staff set off organizational and training activities, and sport managers set off organizational and competitive activities [4].

Consequently, all specialists prioritized the organizational activity. However, despite the outward similarity of their choice, the nature and conditions for professional activity of these specialists differ significantly.

Thus, the main objective for 76% of sport club managers is to involve the greater part of the population in sport activities, organize and stage sport events, coordinate activities in various areas of functioning of a sport club.

97% of coaching staff set off organization of educational and training processes, training of promising athletes.

88% of sport managers believe that their main goal is to organize qualitative training and competitive processes, ensure judges and sport core group training, work with coaches and athletes.

The effectiveness of professional activity of physical education and sport specialists is seriously affected by the social prestige of their profession. According to the findings, all groups of respondents gave rather a high estimate on the prestige of the chosen profession, but at the same time 65% of them demonstrated some dissatisfaction with their work due to some socio-economic difficulties.

Despite the difficulties caused by economic reasons, 77% of specialists emphasize those of innovative nature: lack of up-to-date information, a large volume of unscheduled work, lack of further training, etc.

84% of the respondents believe that the most important condition for effective professional activity is the need for socially oriented management, as well as information literacy of physical education and sport specialists.

The determined specificity of professional activity of physical education and sport specialists of different types suggests the uniqueness of each specialization and its distinguishing nuances, which need to be taken into account when training specialists of a certain type.

At the same time, there are much more general characteristics of professional activity, consolidating different specialities into a single profession of a physical education and sport specialist, which allows to integrate individual model characteristics of professional activity, and on this basis build a generalized model of professional efficiency of specialists.

The analysis of professional activity of physical education and sport specialists of a particular type showed that the developed structure of professional efficiency, including ten integrative indicators, considered from the perspective of the strategic, organizational and communicative aspects, may be common for all the subjects of physical education and sport [5].

To confirm this provision factor analysis of the structure of professional activities of physical education and sport specialists was carried out. The identified similarities and differences in the physical education and sport specialists' professional activity prove the correctness of the designed single model of professional effectiveness, based on the integration of individual model characteristics.

So the results obtained during the factor analysis based on self-assessment and expert survey of sport specialists of different specializations confirm the marked feature.

Thus, based on the factor analysis results, four generalizing factors were singled out (Table. 2).

The first factor (professional communicative interaction competence) is characterized by the high factorial weight:

6 - the use of the methods of socialized influence on the processes and objects of professional activity;

4 - communication and interaction competence;

3 – efficiency of collaborative activity. It accounts for 25.06% of the total sampling variance.

The second factor was interpreted as the one characterizing professional competency and occupational consistency. Its percentage in the total sampling variance equaled 19.34%.

The third factor characterizes occupational goal-setting. It includes the following factors with the high factorial weights: 1 - goal setting ability; 7 - strategic thinking and predictive modeling. This factor accounts for 17.4% of the total sampling variance. The last factor indicates that one of the most important components of professional activity of physical education and sport specialists is information, economic and juridical literacy (8.33% of the total sampling variance).

The factor analysis shows that the factors contributing to the development of communication skills and professional interaction competence based on the methods of socially oriented influence on the processes and objects of professional educational activity come to the front in the structure of professional efficiency of physical education and sport specialists.

Table 2. Generalized factor structure of professional activities of physical education and sport specialists


Factorial weights





Goal-setting ability





Occupational consistency





Results of collaborative sport-related educational activity





Professional interaction and communication competence





Professional competency





Knowledge of modern methods of socialized influence on the processes and objects of professional activity





Strategic thinking and predictive modeling





Information, economic and juridical literacy





Percentage of the total sampling variance





Conclusion. Integration of the key conditions that determine personal professional development of physical education and sport specialists of different types makes it possible to represent the actual structure of their professional competency with its main content reflected in three interrelated substructures: strategic, organizational and communicative.

The factor analysis results testify that the factors contributing to the development of communication and professional interaction competences based on the methods of socialized influence on the processes and objects of professional educational activity come to the front in the structure of professional efficiency of physical education and sport specialists.


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Corresponding author: Shegval@mal.ru

The article examines the pedagogical conditions and factors that determine the personal professional development of physical education and sport specialists of different types. Factor analysis results show that in the structure of professional performance of physical education and sport specialists the priority is given to the factors that contribute to the development of the communicative and professional interaction competences on the basis of competences of socialized influence on the processes and objects of professional pedagogical activity.
Owing to integration of the basic conditions that determine the personal professional development of physical education and sport specialists of different types one can see the actual structure of their professional competency, which is mostly represented in three interrelated substructures being strategic, organizational and communicative ones.
Factor analysis results show that the main place in the structure of professional performance of physical education and sport specialists belongs to the factors that contribute to the development of the communicative and professional interaction competences on the basis of competences of socialized influence on the processes and objects of professional pedagogical activity.