Applied sociological survey and comparative analysis of sports and physical culture as social institutions
PhD O.E. Balaeva
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The study makes an attempt to analyze the existing social institutions of sports and physical culture based on comparative analysis of their key performance criteria obtained through questionnaire survey. Objective of the study was to rate, by means of sociological survey, the degrees of understanding of the main missions of sports and physical culture by the Bachelors of a sport university. With this objective in mind, we opted for the traditional applied sociological survey tools. The study data were obtained through survey based on the key sampling parameters; and the output data were analyzed using the statistical data processing methods, modelling methods and social phenomena forecast method.
The study demonstrated the need in due denomination and interpretation of the base professional terms and definitions by the future sport/ physical culture specialists through their correlation and specification in context of the relevant social institutions. This approach implies the denominations being clearly connected with the relevant actual performance criteria measurable by qualitative and quantitative values.
Keywords: social institutions, goals and main tasks, specific functions.
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