Online mind sport environment


Master D.F. Dzhafarov
Associate Professor, PhD M.A. Novoselov
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow

Modern software and hardware systems applied in a few sports dominated by the mind sport disciplines may be viewed as a new educational instrument that may be defined as an interactive mind sport education environment. Objective of the study was to establish frame institutional and educational conditions for the interactive mind sport education environment being implemented in the mind sport system on the whole and in the relevant trainers’/educators’ training system in particular.
The study demonstrates that the high-technology personality development process based on the mind sport values and potentials requires the relevant competence-based technological policy decisions being made. The study offers the technology selection concepts for the interactive mind sport education environment promotion dominated by accessibility, safety and user-friendliness concepts. As things now stand, the Federal Education Development Institute (FEDI) support the interactive mind sport education environments being studied as a meta-subject competence assessment tool applicable for selection of gifted children. It was on December 21, 2015 that the FEDI established an experimental site at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture for the relevant project in the supplementary education system, the project being designed to test, in the period up to 2018, the proposed supplementary mind sport education curricula in the relevant interactive mind sport education environment formats.

Keywords: mind sports, interactive mind sports environment, innovative technology, education.


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