Russian national wrestling sport techniques and traditions applied in modern training systems


E.A. Akhmedova
PhD, Professor N.Yu. Mel'nikova
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Subject to the study are the elements of national wrestling/ combat sports of indigenous people of Russia and their application in training systems by both the national wrestlers and Olympic wrestling teams of different nations. National wrestling sports, however different they may seem in terms of rules and traditions, are always centred on a combat of two opponents. Rules of wrestling competitions spell out the competitive procedures, awarding terms and conditions and set certain limitations for wrestling actions to ensure high sporting spirit of the event and protect the athlete’s health.
Every nation has developed its own indigenous national wrestling sports for many centuries, and the highest-ranking modern wrestlers qualified for the national teams and top ranking sport events including world championships and Olympics – tend to appreciate and more or less apply the variety of national wrestling holds and practices in their training systems.

Keywords: national wrestling sports, sport traditions, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, judo, rules of competition.


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