Martial arts practices to control senior preschoolers' mental tension and anxiety


Associate Professor, PhD A.D. Chekhonin
Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The article explores the effects of oriental martial arts as a tool to control mental tension and anxiety in senior preschoolers. The study was designed to provide an overview of the key problems in the senior preschoolers’ emotional and volitional domain formation process; analyze the potential efficiency of the oriental martial arts as a tool to control the mental tension and anxiety in senior preschoolers; and give practical verifications of the applied martial arts being efficient in practice.
Objective of the study was to assess the efficiency of oriental martial arts as a tool to shape up the emotional and volitional domain of a senior preschooler’s personality. The study methodology was based on the relevant analysis, psycho-diagnostic tests, questionnaire surveys (including Amen Anxiety Test and Family Questionnaire by I.B. Dermanova to detect the signs of a mental tension) and statistical data processing tools. Subject to the study were 72 senior preschoolers going in for aikido and karate versus their peers non-engaged in physical cultural practices.
Main result of the study was the evidence to verify the benefits of the martial art practices for the emotional and volitional domain of children’s personality formation process differentiated by the actual practices and prove the practices being efficient for the purposes under the study.

Keywords: emotional and volitional domain, senior preschool age, control, martial arts, psycho-educational potential, mental tension, anxiety.


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