Coordination ability improvement modular method in application to female acrobats


Master student, Master of Sports of Russia J.O. Goncharova
Associate Professor, PhD L.G. Pashchenko
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

The article gives an overview of the junior women acrobats’ coordination ability improvement training modules and their efficiency assessment in the athletic training process, with a special emphasis on the contents and procedures of the short-term coordination ability improvement training modules – that play an important role in the desired training result achievement process in the early stage of an acrobatic training system. The study demonstrated the proposed modular method being beneficial as verified by its practical application in competitive acrobatic training process geared to improve the reactive, kinaesthetic and rhythmic abilities, spatial orientation and balancing abilities, thereby giving the means to the junior women acrobats to efficiently improve their coordination abilities for successful competitive performance.

Keywords: acrobatics, coordination abilities, training module.


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