Customized nutrition technology for university students engaged in CrossFit


D.A. Kokorev1
Postgraduate M.Yu. Balandin2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and implement an individual diet customizable as required by the university physical education and training process and daily regime of university students. The university students’ physical education process customizing to CrossFit workouts was implemented at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow) in the period of 2014 through 2015. Subject to the educational experiment were 40 male fist-year students who were trained for 1.5 hours three times per week.
In the first stage of the study, energy demand of the workouts was rated using POLAR RX 800 pulsometers and caloric tests. In the second stage, the students’ daily regime was analyzed using the standard physical workload versus body weight profiling analyses with sex and age specifications; and the analyses made it possible to calculate the daily energy demands in calories based on the specific energy demands per workouts. In the third stage, we developed a set of individual recommended diets using Individual Diet 3.0 Software toolkit.
The study demonstrated the new nutrition correction technology being highly efficient in application to the students going in for CrossFit workouts under the university physical education curriculum.

Keywords: functional all-around (CrossFit), energy demand, physical activity rates, pulse metering, diet.


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