Readiness of Surgut school leavers for GTO complex tests


Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Fursov
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The paper presents the results of the testing of 896 school leavers of Surgut, who were subject to the GTO complex tests. The authors objectively assess the readiness of the Surgut school leavers for the GTO RPCSC tests. The paper presents the results of testing of 896 school leavers of Surgut, who performed the GTO complex tests. The authors give an objective assessment of the preparedness of the Surgut school leavers for the RPCSC GTO complex tests.
According to the findings, one can say that the school educational process in "Physical Education" needs to be further corrected and optimized. The share of testees who have fulfilled the regulatory requirements of the GTO complex for the badge is 31.6% on average for young men versus 25.5% for young women. The findings show objectively the level of preparedness of the school leavers of Surgut general education institutions for the GTO complex tests, which gives an impetus to further decisions and immediate correction of the educational process, to implementation of efficient educational technologies and academic curricula and extracurricular activities in the subject area of "Physical Education".

Keywords: physical fitness, school leavers, GTO complex, GTO RPCSC complex tests, online service of GTO RPCSC AS.


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