Educational resource mobilizing to establish physical education encouragement environment at primary school


Dr.Hab., PhD V.K. Spirin1
PhD L.V. Smirnova2
Postgraduate O.A. Chupekhina1, 2
1Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikie Luki
2Secondary school № 2, Velikie Luki

Sound practical provisions and conceptual decisions to reform the national school education system will be duly harmonized with the relevant school health promotion programs. It is the substantial educational resource fully employed within the frame of the sport-centred physical education system – with the school physical educator’s efforts being duly integrated into the overall school education programs implemented by the teaching staff – that will be viewed as a key to improve the functional and adaptation capabilities of the pupils as a basis for the modern health-promotion environment being established at a primary school.

Keywords: health promotion environment, physical education lesson, sport-centred physical education, physical culture, teaching staff.


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