Specifics of adaptation to training sessions in youth cyclic and acyclic sports
Dr.Biol., professor A.A. Pseunok
Associate professor, PhD M.A. Mugotlev
Associate professor, PhD M.N. Silantiev
Adyghe State University, Maikop
Keywords: adaptation, cyclists, sambo wrestlers, ontogenesis, regulation, heart rate, training system, electrolytes
Studies of the functionality and adaptive reserves of the human body are rated among the top priority issues of modern developmental physiology science. High level of body functionality is considered an important prerequisite for high level of physical working capacity and high reserve ability of the body being developed to adapt to competitive and training workloads [4, 10].
Muscular workloads in excess of natural age-specific body workability limits of children and adolescents, including unreasonably designed sport training loads, may trigger heavy stressful conditions including dysfunctions of neuroendocrinal control mechanism of a blood-circulation system [5]. This fact deserves to be rated among top priorities by the sport research community in the context of the ongoing children’s and adolescent sport development agenda with the highest priority being given to the new generation health protection and improvement aspects.
Studies of the body functional adaptation processes under specific physical loads of high intensity and volume are particularly important for formation of a knowledge base on the key physiological adaptation mechanisms specific for different sport disciplines [3].
Many sport disciplines require from athlete to be specialized in a non-standard situational physical activity of variable intensity. This activity normally involves every body system in intensive and uninterrupted work and, as a result, the body has to respond by developing the relevant short- and/or long-term sport-specific neurohumoral adaptation mechanisms being responsible for fast switchovers of the body functions to ensure the best result of the activity being attained [1].
Of special interest for developmental physiology are the studies of heart rate factors to explore the role of the cardiovascular system performance control mechanisms in the general and special training fitness formation process [2, 8, 11]. In addition, a sustainability of body functions is known to be largely dependent on the balance and concentrations of electrolytes in the biological liquids [6].
Objective of the study was to explore the adaptation specifics of the adolescent athletes engaged in cyclic and acyclic sport disciplines.
Methods and organisation of the study
Subject to the study were 11-13 years old athletes engaged in road bicycle racing (17 people) and sambo wrestling (25 people) as cyclic and acyclic sport disciplines, respectively. The sport training groups were formed at the Special Children’s and Youth Olympic Reserve Sport Schools of Maykop town and trained for 2 hours 5 times per week. Every subject to the study has trained for at least 3 years prior to the study and participated in municipal-, regional- and national-level sport competitions.
We applied the heart rate mathematic analysis method offered by R.M. Bayevskiy that is designed to compute a set of key HR-specific parameters including the following: variation range (VR), mode (Мо), mode amplitude (АМо), tension index (TI), vegetative balance index (VBI), vegetative rhythm index (VRI), and control process adequacy index (CPAI). Tests under the study were designed to rate the adaptive capabilities of the subject young athletes based on graded exercises of 30 squats per 30 seconds.
Furthermore, saliva of the athletes was tested for the K+ and Na+ ion concentration based on the photocolorimetric determination method, using the KFK-3 Photocolorimeter System. In the saliva test process, mouth liquid was collected using a non-stimulation method, with free saliva being placed in Petri dishes. Then the mixed-secretion test liquid was processed by еру centrifugal method with special agents being added to separate a heavy fraction of the protein macro-molecules.
The resultant test data were processed using regular mathematical methods of statistics in the Microsoft Excel XP format, with Student t-criteria being computed (р≤0.05).
Study results and discussion
Test data and analyses found, among other things (see Table hereunder), short-term HR slowdown in the cycle racers after the rated workload tests, with the heart rates found to fall lower than the initial levels (р≤0.05).
Table 1. Variations of the heart rate related indices and some biochemical indices in the subject 11-13 year old sambo wrestlers and cyclists
Indices |
Sambo wrestling |
Road bicycle racing |
Post- exercise |
Post- exercise |
Post- exercise |
Post- exercise |
February |
February |
June |
June |
February |
February |
June |
June |
HR, bpm |
99,5n,y ±6,02 |
109,17n ±6,52 |
80,00y ±5,93 |
96,86 ±7,26 |
82,89y ±3,74 |
74,44 ±2,91 |
96,00y ±5,13 |
74,33 ±4,84 |
М, s |
0,69y ±0,05 |
0,57 ±0,04 |
0,72 ±0,10 |
0,65 ±0,05 |
0,75y ±0,03 |
0,62 ±0,03 |
0,83y ±0,06 |
0,65 ±0,04 |
СК, s^2 |
0,07 ±0,02 |
0,08 ±0,01 |
0,07 0,01 |
0,08 ±0,02 |
0,09 0,02 |
0,10 ±0,01 |
0,11 ±0,04 |
0,12 ±0,03 |
Мо, s |
0,67y ±0,05 |
0,54n ±0,02 |
0,71n ±0,12 |
0,63 ±0,05 |
0,74y, x ±0,04 |
0,60 ±0,03 |
0,92y ±0,09 |
0,58 ±0,06 |
АМо, %
43,87 ±9,26 |
41,78n ±0,43 |
37,29 6,17 |
42,33 ±9,53 |
32,88 ±3,35 |
27,28 ±2,67 |
25,67 ±7,49 |
30,37 ±8,54 |
Ме, s
0,67x ±0,05 |
0,57 ±0,04 |
0,78 ±0,06 |
0,64 ±0,06 |
0,75y ±0,03 |
0,61 ±0,03 |
0,82y ±0,06 |
0,64 ±0,04 |
VR, s
0,36x ±0,01 |
0,37 ±0,05 |
0,45 ±0,09 |
0,43 ±0,14 |
0,43 ±0,08 |
0,47 ±0,06 |
0,54 ±0,17 |
0,48 ±0,13 |
VBI, conv. units
173,62y ±58,85 |
98,68x ±14,48 |
171,67 ±97,26 |
207,69 ±85,10 |
115,22 ±33,73 |
75,78 ±19,37 |
67,23 35,02 |
89,67 47,72 |
CPAI, conv. units
61,27 ±18,63 |
62,28 ±4,83 |
52,33n ±12,87 |
65,9 16,04 |
46,86 ±6,48 |
47,47 ±5,76 |
30,47 ±11,92 |
50,43 ±11,18 |
VRI, conv. units
5,99 ±1,44 |
5,48 0,65 |
5,35 ±2,32 |
7,40 ±2,47 |
4,56x ±1,03 |
4,39 ±0,84 |
2,65 ±0,62 |
4,30 ±1,25 |
TI, conv. units
141,03 ±54,02 |
92,2x, n ±13,17 |
136,46 ±87,09 |
247,56 ±99,77 |
87,66 ±28,09 |
66,48 ±19,41 |
41,75 ±24,94 |
54,73 ±19,92 |
Na-ion, mmol/l |
15,99 ±1,44 |
_ |
18,38 ±2,07 |
_ |
11,44 ±5,04 |
_ |
16,78 ±2,53 |
_ |
K-ion, mmol/l |
32,99 ±3,56 |
_ |
36,59 ±4,1 |
_ |
22,19n ±3,47 |
25,27n ±3,84 |
_ |
Note: the difference significance criterion refers to:
y: Rest vs. post-exercise state;
х: Beginning of the year vs. middle of the year;
n: Sambo wrestlers vs. cyclists.
We believe that the HR slowdown recorded by the tests may be due to the long-term adaptation of the body systems to dynamic loads, with resultant formation of еру hypo-kinetic blood circulation pattern (bradycardia) with its typically low heart rates. This finding fully agrees with the function economizing concept that implies that certain so-called ‘structural trace’ functions tend to become more economic in the long-term process of the body adaptation to cyclic moderate-intensity exercise.
Furthermore, the study found the Na+ ion concentration in saliva being on the rise by the end of the study (see Table 1 above) that may be due, in our opinion, to the body response to significant stresses. Growing pressure forces the body to produce angiotensin II that, it its turn, is connected with formation of atrio- natriuretic factor (ANF) that intensifies sodium excretion through diuresis (urine output) to decrease the extracellular water volume and thereby reduce the pressure. The body response with contribution of the ANF factor may be considered a protection mechanism geared to provide against too high HR rise under the stress and reduce the sympathoadrenal activity [7].
The adolescent sambo wrestlers were tested with at the beginning of the year with HRs being significantly (р≤0.05) higher than the mid-year HRs that may be due to the active involvement of this group in competitions of different levels (see Table 1 above). Competitive events are known to be a stressful factor for bodily systems due to the high emotional loads. Furthermore, the tests showed the growing number of athletes diagnosed with high tension of the adaptation mechanisms by the end of the experiment – that may be indicative of the training workloads and regimes being in excess of the body functional abilities. Body responses in this age group are commonly known to be hyperactive [9], and this is the reason for the sport accomplishments being, on the one hand, rapidly on the rise with the excessively growing training workloads, but, on the other hand, too ‘costly’ in terms of the physiological negative aspects. Contents of saliva electrolytes in this group was found significantly (р≤0.05) higher than that in the cyclists group (see Table 1 above). The K+ ion concentrations were found to grow with the increasing activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the central control system. The Na+ ion concentrations were found to grow as well that may be indicative of the high tension of the adaptation mechanisms with the osmotic-control and ion-control processes coming to conflict as mentioned above [6].
The study demonstrated the road bicycle racing sport being of more expressed effect on the adaptation shifts formation process in the body control mechanisms. Effects of the training loads on the physiological processes and the relevant changes in the latter are due to the impacts of repeated movement sequences on the body, with the functional condition of the motor system being affected first and foremost. Realignments of the vegetative processes are triggered partially by an irritation signalling of nearing hypoxemia and, most of all – by the relevant motor-visceral reflexes. Therefore, the long-term adaptation process goes through a variety of changes that end up in bradycardia. A trained heart, in contrast to an untrained one, is susceptible to influences of the parasympathetic nervous system rather than the sympathetic one, and it results in a positive inotropic effect and improved reserve capacity of the trained heart. In the cyclic training system design and scheduling process, special attention will be given to the age-specific motor system development practices. Therefore, top priority in the training system design and planning process will be given both to the metabolic processes and the age-specific motor action control aspects and the motor skill mastering patterns.
The fact that some sambo wrestlers were diagnosed with overstress of the body adaptation mechanisms may be indicative of the training process being in need of the relevant corrective actions. It should be noted although that, in opinion of some analysts, such overstresses may be due to shortages of functional reserves of the bodly systems rather than to the excessive training loads only.
Therefore, the study data and analysis of the functional adaptation mechanisms of the 11-13 year-old trainees demonstrate the need for the relevant scientifically grounded overstress-prevention and health-improvement initiatives being developed and implemented to help normalize the negatively affected body functions.
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Corresponding author: Pseunokk@mail.ru
The objective of the study was to examine the specifics of adaptation of young athletes to cyclic and acyclic sports sessions. Young boys of 11-13 years of age engaged in road cycling and sambo (17 and 25 respectively) were examined. As seen from analysis of the findings (indicators of heart rate and salivary concentration of potassium and sodium), the training mode is not always adequate to functional capacities of the growing organism, due to the nature of the training mode and individual characteristics of boys. Cyclic sports classes have the most pronounced effect on the formation of the manner of adaptive changes in regulatory mechanisms. The growth of sports skills is due to tension of central regulation, which is taken as a negative process.