Model of inter­layer communication of physical culture of sports subjects in Khanty­Mansi Autonomous District – Yugra



Postgraduate M.A. Rodionova1
Dr.Hab., professor L.I. Lubysheva1
Associate professor, Ph.D. V.A. Rodionov1
Honoured Figure of Physical Culture and Sport of KhMAR-Yugra A.V. Verevka2
1Surgut State University, Surgut
2Department of physical culture and sport of KhMAR-Yugra, Khanty-Mansiysk


Keywords: structural and functional models, model of interdivisional coordination between subjects of physical culture and sports, physical culture and sports system in KhMAR-Yugra.

 Introduction. Improvement of administrative efficiency in the field of physical culture and sports is the focal point of the state policy as part of the state federal program of the Russian Federation “On Development of Physical Culture and Sports” approved by Resolution #302 of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 (as amended in July 24, 2015) [2].

The primary objective of improving the administrative efficiency in the field of physical culture and sports is establishment of an optimal physical culture sector model based on the concerted distribution of powers, jurisdictions, functions and responsibilities among all subjects of physical culture and sports at both the federal level and the level of federal subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities [1, 3].

Objective of the study was to identify the issues and perspectives of improving the administrative efficiency of the physical culture system at the level of federal subject (municipality); to develop the model of interdivisional coordination between the subjects of physical culture and sports and the physical culture and sports system activity in KhMAR-Yugra.   

Results and discussion. For the period till 2010, the operation of the sector “Physical Culture and Sports” within Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra, specifically the coordination of inter-divisional activities of regulatory bodies and authorities, had been implemented according to the standard scheme, typical for the majority of the regions in the Russian Federation, by performing management functions exclusively within the area and in terms of empowerment, determined by the federal legislation.

The modern requirements and tendencies of the physical culture sector development raise the issues of immediate concern for the local government to address.  

Regarding the administrative aspect, the major factors slowing down the development of physical culture and sports in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra are the following:

  1. The lack of effective system and mechanisms of cooperation between the subjects;
  2. The lack of consistent and practical data exchange system;
  3. The low proficiency level of physical culture and sports specialists on the issues of local organization and management of the sector activity;  
  4. The deficient involvement of the central figures within the municipality into the development of physical culture and sport; the situation results from insufficient understanding of authority limits and extent of responsibilities of the local government within the sector.

In order to improve the situation, the Physical Culture and Sports Department of KhMAR-Yugra has developed and is implementing the program of the sector modernization, which includes improvement of cooperative and administrative systems as well.

1. Measures were taken to structure and arrange the interdivisional coordination between the Physical Culture and Sports Department of KhMAR-Yugra, its structural subdivisions, the administration of municipalities and local government tackling the issues of physical culture and sports. The specifics and scope of cooperation activities are strictly specified within the framework of the program and constitute the basic part of an integrated system (Diagram 1).  

Diagram 1.  The model of interdivisional coordination between the state and municipal regulatory bodies on the issues of physical culture and sports in KhMAR-Yugra

2. Within the framework of the physical culture sector development, the integrated interdivisional system was structured and modernized covering all subjects of physical culture and sports, as well as other related organizations. The processes of system implementation and development of its subsequent component parts have started (Diagram 2).

Diagram 2. The model of physical culture and sports sector operation in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra 

3. Coordination and collaboration between the subjects of physical culture and sports were introduced at regional and municipal levels on the issues of establishment and regulation of integrated approaches of target programs development, adoption and implementation in the field of physical culture and sports. The scope of activities comprises provision of consistency and coherence of purposes, objectives, content, phases and indicators of the target programs (Diagram 3).

Diagram 3. Interdivisional coordination of physical culture and sports programs in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra

4. On-site events were conducted in all municipalities of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra as part of the program described above. These on-site events include the following complex of activities: interdepartmental meeting, featuring the administration of municipalities, on the current issues of the physical culture sector in municipalities, as well as the prospects of the sector development for the following year; visit, inspection and inventory check of the sports facilities and institutions; meeting with the representatives of sports community; workshop sessions and tutorials for athletes and coaches conducted by elite athletes and leaders of local sports governing bodies.

5. The Physical Culture and Sports Department of KhMAR-Yugra in cooperation with regulatory bodies and local government has commenced and is implementing a number of projects in the field of physical culture and sports:

– facilitating and arranging the all-weather sports ground in municipalities as part of the state federal program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra for the period from 2014 to 2020”;

– biathlon and skiing sports development in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra. 

Within the framework of the projects, the cooperative work based on negotiated agreement is carried out by the project participants. At this point, intermunicipal areas, aimed at physical culture and sports development, as well as its headquarters at a given municipality, are being established as a result of practical collaborative experience of the Department and municipalities.

6. The municipal officials in the field of physical culture and sports are taking training courses which consist of professional instruction and competency improvement activities. At the discretion of the Department, in 2012, extra payment was introduced in the regional municipalities for the specialists working in the field of adaptive physical culture; payment is funded through regional budget. The Adaptive Sports Center is expanding its branch networks.

7. Within the scope of activities of the Government of KhMAR-Yugra, the Physical Culture and Sports Department of KhMAR-Yugra and administration of the municipalities have established the agreement, in terms of which part of the regional budget is allocated for organization of activities aimed at providing the institutions, which train the athletes, with sports facilities and equipment. The integrated wage payment system for the specialists in the field of physical culture and sports was confirmed by the Government of KhMAR-Yugra and accepted for implementation within the area of KhMAR-Yugra.   

8. The Department has launched the activities aimed at introduction of a consistent interdepartmental and interdivisional informational management system in the sector. The system provides relevant and complete data on assets status, overall achievements, trend data and implies 100 percent involvement of organizations, departments and institutions at the regional and municipal levels. The certain sites or facilities might be assigned to these organizations, departments and institutions according to geographical coordinates. The system might as well provide opportunities for registering sector data on personnel, resources, assets, achievements, etc.

Conclusions. At this point, for the purposes of physical culture and sports development in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra, the Physical Culture and Sport Department is implementing the state federal program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra for the period from 2014 to 2020”. The program is a regional version of the national strategy of physical culture and sports development in the Russian Federation and comprises primary objectives and scopes of activities, including that relating to the issues of improving coordination and collaboration of the federal subject of the Russian Federation and the municipalities of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra.


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The main idea of the article was to design models of inter­layer communication between the subjects of physical culture. Objective of the study was to identify the problems and prospects for improvement of the system of sectoral interaction of the subjects of physical culture. The plan of modernization of the sector, including in terms of enhancement of the sector system of communication and management, developed by the Physical Culture and Sports Department of KhMAR­Yugra, is being implemented.

Currently, for the successful development of the sphere of physical culture and sport in the Khanty­Mansi Autonomous District ­ Yugra the Physical Culture and Sports Department is being actively implementing the State program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Khanty­Mansi Autonomous District ­ Yugra" for 2014­2020". This sectoral document is the regional analogue of the national physical culture and sports development strategy in Russia and includes the priorities and objectives, including issues concerning the improvement of the joint activity of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipal entities of the Khanty­Mansiysk Autonomous Region ­ Yugra.