Modeling of teaching study component of physical education in elementary school
Dr.Hab., associate professor M.D. Kudryavtsev1, 2
Dr.Hab., professor G.Ya. Galimov3
Professor, Honoured coach of Russia I.A.Tolstopyatov4
Associate professor, PhD D.A. Shubin1
Associate professor, PhD V.I. Struchkov1, 4
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2 Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk
3 Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude
4 Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
Objective of the research was to provide scientific substantiation of the model of building skills for the sports and health component of the personality development process of a primary pupil on the basis of the learning theory.
According to the study of the dynamics of cultural aspirations of primary school age pupils, cognitive, bodily-regulatory and moral aspirations of the study group pupils have significantly improved for the period of three school years (p <0.05). Aesthetic and psychoregulatory aspirations remained unchanged and did not statistically differ from those in the reference group subjects. Changes in the final levels of development of personality traits of the study group children allow us to conclude that they are superior to the corresponding indices of the reference group subjects (p <0.05 ). Final testing showed that all the examined indicators of physical training motivation the study group children were superior to their peers who trained in accordance with the standard program of physical education (reference group), and the difference was statistically significant (p <0.05-0.001)
Keywords: educational area "Physical Education", physical educational environment, primary pupils, pedagogical physical education support of individual, developmental education technology.
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