Body type-related age-specific changes of selected indicators of central hemodynamics of rural pupils
Associate professor, PhD, Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation S.N. Blinkov1
Dr.Biol., professor S.P. Levushkin2
1Samara State Agricultural Academy (SSAA), Samara
2 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow
The article presents the results of the study of age-specific changes in blood pressure and heart rate in rural schoolchildren of 7-17 years of age who have different body types. It was found that blood pressure indices in pupils aged from 7 to 17 years in most age groups are gradually and equally growing and reach their maximum at the age of 17. In contrast, changes in the heart rate indices in the school study period of boys and young men are more split and heterodynamous, the periods of reduction of this indicator are replaced in some age groups by their significant growth. In general, there was detected a significant increase in blood pressure and a decrease in the heart rate of 7-17 year-olds of all body types. One needs to take into account the age-specific changes in the central hemodynamics indices in the pupils of the examined age when organizing motor activity at physical education lessons in a secondary school and during the training process in the extended education system.
Keywords: body types, pupils, blood pressure, heart rate, age-specific dynamics.
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