Abilities and individual differences during lifespan development


Dr.Hab., professor V.A. Sal'nikov
Associate professor, PhD S.P. Khozey
A.M. Bondarenko
Associate professor, PhD A.F. Kuznetsov
Branch of Military Academy of Logistics and Transport n.a. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, Omsk

In the work it has been established that the problem of "age-related abilities" remains understudied. Nevertheless, it is noted that each age period of individual development has its "complex" - a specific set of key features, which can be successfully implemented in the system of sports activities. In this case, it might be more correct to speak of abilities, or rather disposition as a natural basis of abilities. The generally complex and dynamic structure of the relation of age-related and individual in the natural background of abilities has been insufficiently studied by now. In this case, it is most relevant to study individual characteristics of the lifespan development rather than age-related specifics.

Keywords: motor abilities, individual differences, properties of nervous system, disposition, sport activity.


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