Educational technology of reviving national competitive-game exercises in university physical education


Postgraduate A.V. Markelov1
Associate professor, PhD A.N. Savchuk1
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.V. Ponomarev2
Associate professor, PhD E.N. Konopleva3
PhD A.V. Ukolov4
1Astafyev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
3Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk
4Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of State Fire Service of Russian Emergencies Ministry, Zheleznogorsk

Today in the context of global socio-economic, political, social changes, restoration of spiritual and moral consciousness of young people new demands are being made on the university educational process, which should be enriched by reviving rich national traditions in education and training, including cultivating competitive-game areas of physical education of the rising generation. All the while, in order to ensure the harmonious physical development of a future competent specialist it is necessary to integrate the heritage of national recreational traditions and competitions and modern physical culture as components of general professional culture of an individual.
In the meantime, one of the key conditions to ensure the efficiency of professional activity is available high overall working capacity based on good spiritual and physical health. There is an urgent need for updating the rich and diverse potential of the traditions of promoting sports activity among students in the course of physical education in the university.

Keywords: educational technology, competitive game traditions, national physical culture, applied exercises, students, physical education, restoration.


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