Application features of psychological-pedagogical training in university physical education


Ph.D., associate professor O.G. Mrochko
Moscow State Academy of Water Transport, Moscow

One of the priorities of health and fitness technologies and techniques of adaptive physical education based on individualization of parameters of physical exercise. Teacher of Physical Education follows students in the course of their individual physical development throughout the period of study at the university, creates conditions for them to disclose their potential, encourages them for physical self-perfection. The teacher knows the mechanisms of mental evolution, age-related personality characteristics, physiological changes in the body, depending on the exercise. The reality is that some students with health issues try to avoid physical education lessons under any circumstances. Others, on the contrary, are willing to train with the group, but ashamed of their disease and feebleness. The goal of the teacher is to help both of them overcome this psychological barrier.

Keywords: physical training, students, technique, psychological -pedagogical training.


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