Conversion subject specification through classification of sports technologies


S.V. Mukhaev1
Professor, Dr.Hab. L.A. Semenov2
1Basketball club «Enisei» Krasnoyarsk
2Surgut State Pedagogical University, SurGPU

The article provides an analysis of the major trends in the development of the concept of conversion of sports high technologies in physical education and public sport, which revealed the problem in the voluntary implementation of conversion and excessively wide subject of conversion, comprising principles, techniques and methods of sports training. In order to solve this problem, it is suggested systematizing sports technologies and distinguishing four classes, adequate to the tasks to be solved: meta-, macro-, meso- and micro-technologies. Such a systematization will contribute to specifying the subject of conversion for a particular sports discipline (to sport for all, physical education) taking into account stage, basic sections and purposes of training.

Keywords: conversion, systematization of sports technologies, meta-, macro-, meso- and micro-technologies.


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