Fitness resources to ensure competitive physical education of students



Ph.D., Associate Professor O.V. Mironova1
Ph.D., Professor K.N. Dement'ev1
Ph.D., Associate Professor O.V. Pristav2
Ph.D., Associate Professor O.V. Ustinova3
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Grigorev4
1Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
 2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg
 3Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
4Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg


Keywords: Institute of Physical Culture, startup, management innovations, development in turbulent economic environment, resource capitalization, competitive advantages, target audience

Introduction. Transnationalism and globalization of physical culture, as well as use of cloud technologies, trigger growth and competitive ability of physical education being the basics for its innovative development [6]. In terms of a turbulent competitive environment the traditional hierarchical management structures should be substituted by transnational organizational structures focused on fitness resources. Nevertheless, the ongoing discourse upon developing competitive strategies based on fitness trends raises methodological doubts. Being at the planning stage, the issue is still far from practical implementation. On closer examination, it proves that there are technological aspects to be considered: identifying factors of competitive behavior, assessing options in fitness resource use, forming competitive potential for physical education of students.

The purpose of the study was to assess the potential for fitness resource use in the educational process aimed at forming competitive strategies for development of physical culture in universities.

Materials and methods. Empirical data are based on analytical and statistical materials provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, FSSS). The paper presents the following methods: logic simulation of competitive processes, factor analysis of competitive effectiveness, predictive methods.

Results and discussion. A detailed study on structure code of competitive environment resulted in the design of a strategic model of development for physical education system in universities based on fitness resources, management innovations and conditions for project implementation. The central tendency was found, which allows codifying the competitive mechanisms into motivation for development and intellectual capitalization of physical culture. In terms of methodology, the new strategic model is justified since it provides outlining of the development incentives according to the interpolation methods and taxonomic groups: ideology → law → finance → Research and Development (R&D) → marketing → personnel (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Factors affecting competitive environment development based on fitness resources

It has been established that today many academic departments of Physical Culture and Sport, having great scientific and resource potential, provide facilities for fitness resource use in order to form competitive opportunities. Deloitte & Touche estimates that implementing management decisions makes it possible to build startups focused on fitness industry and its target market. Tatyana Kudra [4] examined strategic management for competitive advantage and considered implementing the technological potential and facilities of the world-class fitness clubs and gyms, such as SportLife, OrangeFitness, CityFitness, NewAgeFitness and WorldClass. The whole project is supposed to be based on the Customer Development Model covering students’ needs.

Ekaterina Kabanovskaya [3] emphasizes the significance of building corporate relationships when developing and implementing competitive strategy, which comprises enterprise collaboration, exchange of knowledge and experience implemented in terms of sampling strategies. According to the author, the dynamic pattern of competitive environment formation is defined by service market, marketing productivity and students’ consumer preferences. 

This project aims at forming new strategies in universities of physical culture. These strategies are designed to build new approaches to cooperation between corporate groups and structures, affiliates and opponents as follows: fitness club → university sports center → academic department. It shifts focus on the management function of modeling, target setting, planning, organizing and control in the activities of departments and fitness centers forming a balanced management system (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Mechanism of competitive environment development

As well as in the international settlement, such institutions become the landmark for competitive environment development, setting forward new incentives for development of sports infrastructure and the use of innovative organizational forms and developing technologies. It was established that the dynamic pattern of its development correlates with the factors directly or indirectly improving competitiveness and quality of educational process, reducing financial risks. Undoubtedly, the regulatory principles are to be corrected in order to introduce the technology-driven approach to physical education in universities.

Employer branding practice in universities is heavily based on quality-price ratio, or, to put it otherwise, the ratio of convenience and service at one point and the cost of student-centered physical training programs on the other. Mostly, the customer expectations in different market segments are monitored, though some service groups require specific strategies: product and service lines expansion and variation, development of ultimate product differentiation strategy. It provides an alternative approach to financial, personnel, information and resource application in universities.

In the research by Alexander Taymazov [5] the social and cultural characteristics are classified as part of factor set affecting the competitive environment. These characteristics include the students’ demand for physical culture activities, economic indicators (e.g. service prices, student’s paying capacity, and marketing productivity), sports infrastructure development (number of items and its output), and software implementation for automation of educational process).

The turbulent economic environment requires the use of coaching method focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process. As a result, the new technologies require the innovative management rationalizing, as well as streamlining the functions of target setting, planning, organizing and control. Galina Boush [1] estimates that the whole scheme tends to acquire the socially significant effects like fostering sector development, increasing employment, fund-raising and boosting the sector competitive opportunities. The key element of the issue is establishment of the codified federal legislation governing the organizational, employment, production and financial management aspects, which reduce departmental fragmentation in terms of statutory regulations of public affairs.

Development of sectoral research is of particular interest. As a matter of fact, there are unprecedented opportunities and great potential for developing a balanced sector for applied research. It provides the financial liquidity needed for development of innovative technologies, generating patterns, establishing best practices.

Conclusion. The approach under discussion has a profound methodological meaning and contributes new incentives for the further development of physical education in universities. The obtained result of the research is the project designed to enhance the competitive opportunities and potential for students’ physical culture development according to the following factors: fitness – resources – social mobility – quality of life. It is evident from the foregoing discussion, that enhancing the sectoral competitiveness is a significant and intrinsic process, which reveals new boosting methods. The change to competitive strategies is caused by the qualitative and conceptual scale up which is characterized by preferences in the progressive improvement of relations, distinct segregation of functions and capacities, high competitiveness. As a result, the strategy makes it possible to take a step towards innovative development of physical education in universities, revealing its attractive constants of civilization.


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