Physical Culture Traditions of Romanian and Moldovan ethnic group


Postgraduate student A. Kirtuake
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

The researchers analyzed the principles of formation of the main traditions of physical culture of the Romanian-Moldovan ethnic group. The conclusions made by the authors were as follows. By the end of XIX - early XX century Balkan peoples, particularly the Romanian-Moldovan ethnic group, yet retained their own specific physical culture traditions. These distinctive national features were overlapped and influenced (in different historical time, but pretty much) by older Greek and Roman agonistic sports traditions. Adapted in the Balkans ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine elements of physical culture caused a certain sports orientation of Romanian and other patterns of physical culture, which in some extent was aligned with local tribal and national religious competitive forms. As a result the common Balkan, in particular Romanian-Moldovan physical culture, has been absorbing and retaining different kinds of body-motor, mental and physical practices for several centuries that can set priorities in the current selection and development of the territory of modern sports in Romania and Moldova.

Keywords: physical culture tradition, Romanian and Moldovan ethnic complex.


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