Planning training of future ballroom dance teachers of ballroom dance on the basis of personality-centered approach



Professor, Ph.D. L.V. Pigalova
Applicant V.I. Tarasenko
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk


Keywords: planning, training, ballroom dancing, teacher training, personality-centered approach.

Introduction. High achievements in dance sport of today impose increased requirements to the skill level of dancing partners. In this connection there is a need to train skilled professionals – ballroom dance teachers - at a qualitatively new level, as it is in higher school when professionally significant personal qualities of a student that determine his professional competency and skills are formed as a result of the training process [4].

The development of modern higher education in the field of physical culture is stipulated by objective changes in the life of society. This, in its turn, requires new approaches to training. In the situation of transition from the unitary system of education to elective one the pressing issue of the interconnection of the pedagogical science and practice comes forth, where the leading ideas are those of self-education, self-training and creative thinking. Such training should be carried out within the framework of personality-centered approach, which presupposes that the future ballroom dance teacher should be treated as a unique individual, certain favorable conditions need to be created for his development, self-determination and self-fulfillment via higher education. This approach, as shown by our research, reflects the essence of the modern educational concept, which requires for its implementation a review of the goals and values of education, creating new content and methods of teaching, that is, the formation of a personality-centered system of training and educating students [3, p. 38-40].

The purpose of the research was to define the personality-centered approach to planning of training of future ballroom dance teachers.

Organization of the research. We have developed and tested a special course "Teaching skills in dance sport" that is 36 hours long. The course program includes 8 hours of lectures and 26 hours of practical training.

The leading ideas of the special course the current research, that best reflects the personality-centered approach, relies on are as follows [5, p. 37 ]:

– ensuring the development and self-development of the future ballroom dance teacher's personality based on his individual characteristics detected;

– making it possible for every student to realize himself in the knowledge of training and conduct;

– choosing educational content, resources and teaching methods so that the future teacher could be creative with the subject materials, their look and form.

In accordance with the given trends the student's personality, his interests, aptitudes, cognitive capabilities and needs, his attitude to acquired knowledge become substantial characteristics. In the course of personality-centered education the teacher’s role changes, it is to create a reflexive and educational environment where a student can express himself and fully reveal his cognitive capabilities.

We take into account the mentioned approaches to organization of a personality-centered class when organizing the students' training. The personality-centered orientation of the class is ensured by the following characteristics: objective, stimulating and motivational, operational and activity-related, monitoring and regulating, and reflexive [2]. Integration of these characteristics contributes to the targeted development of general learning skills of the students (organizational, reflexive, communicative, etc.) which are taken as the basis for mastering professionally relevant competences. Therefore, specialized pedagogical planning can serve as the basis for improving the quality of the training of students – future ballroom dance teachers. The essence of this planning is as follows [3, p. 39]:

– identification of techniques and methods of work that are most important for personal development and professional training of students;

– integration of the forms and techniques of training necessary to achieve the set educational and developmental objectives;

– search for and recording of the order of implementation of various aspects of the training process and their interconnection.

In university training such interconnections can be established using techniques and methods of work that take into account the specifics of specialized and professional activity of ballroom dance teachers. Particular attention is paid to students’ independent work.

The process of university training of ballroom dance teachers within the personality-centered education was tested in Ural State University of Physical Culture at the department of theory and methodology of dance sport and ballet pedagogics.

When organizing the experimental work, we have set a number of objectives:

1. To identify the proficiency level of the students – future ballroom dance teachers – and the possibility of planning the training process based on personality-centered approach.

2. To define pedagogically appropriate ways of creating a success situation in the students' training.

3. To test the designed project of organization of the training process of future ballroom dance teachers within the personality-centered education in the experimental work.

Results and discussion. At the trial (search and theoretical) stage of the experiment, while identifying the effectiveness of the process of teaching the students in class (its potential), we obtained evidence of its non-rationality. This is due to the teachers' inability to plan training. At the same time, the results obtained confirm the facts of fatigue and over-strain of students during classes and training, dissatisfaction with their work while learning and the lack of self-learning methods in their activity.

The research has revealed a number of parameters that are always taken into account by teachers and students as recipients while evaluating their effectiveness. The effect of perception of educational material (a message, information, a text, etc.) by students is determined by the simultaneous influence of three parameters: its relevance, accessibility and credibility. It is these three parameters that are taken into account while determining the final outcome of special and socio-scientific subjects when planning of training of the students – future ballroom dance teachers – in the university environment.

Based on the recommendations of A.F. Zakirova, we have defined brief descriptions of the mentioned parameters [1]:

relevance characterizes the compliance of the content of the educational material (message) to the needs, expectations, demands and interests. The work through the content of information is aimed at developing various orientation of students including operational one, to develop specific modes of action and transformation of objects in accordance with the set objectives;

accessibility; This parameter characterizes the students’ understanding the idea of the message; it is directly related to the level of knowledge and skills of the one who receives the studied information;

- credibility (availability of evidence) – the parameter characterizing correspondence of what is displayed by the students (and teachers) to the real (actual) situation.

Knowledge assessment is one of the essential parameters that determine assimilation of educational material by the students, development of their thinking and independence. Without deviating from the generally accepted teaching standards, we assessed the knowledge quality by analyzing various parameters: its completeness, depth, systematic nature, efficiency, generalization, specificity, full comprehension and solidness. At the same time we proceeded from the following: completeness is measured by the knowledge of the curriculum material; depth is characterized by a complex of substantive relations between studied and correlated events understood by the students; systematic nature lies in the realization of the hierarchy and sequence of a complex of special and socio-scientific knowledge; efficiency involves the use of a number of situations in which a future ballroom dance teacher can apply his knowledge; generalization is the student's ability to generalize a specific piece of knowledge; specificity is related to a student’s readiness to show the specific as a manifestation of the general; full comprehension is perception of pieces of knowledge in their coherent and compact interconnection; solidness is characterized by retention of the knowledge in long-term memory.

In general, the quality of the knowledge is a recognized criterion for assessing the results of learning of training and educational material.

Conclusions. Planning of future ballroom dance teachers' training on the basis of personality-centered approach starts with awareness of the teacher of contradictions that, on the one hand, are characterized by the students' desire to achieve success in training, and, on the other hand, by their inability to organize it. The special course "Teaching skills in dance sport" is intended to resolve this contradiction, being a necessary means in the content of the didactic project, the key to success of planning activity of subjects of the educational process.


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