Specifics of reflection of emotional states by future teachers of physical education



Associate professor, Ph.D. N.N. Romanova
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk


Keywords: reflection of feelings, future teacher of physical education, art technology.

Introduction. Reflection of feelings is an important criterion of efficiency of pedagogical and physical education and sports activities. Since there is a continuous interchange of emotions and feelings between a teacher and pupils in the process of their interaction, it is necessary to handle this situation knowledgably. A teacher, who clearly expresses his emotions in response to the current events, becomes more knowable for his associates, wins their credibility and suggests to demonstrate behavior, which is not overloaded with psychological defenses [1].

Educational-training activities and pedagogical process imply an ultimate mobilization of the actual psychological and emotional states. To ensure continuous and consistently successful mental functioning, it is important to understand remote and immediate causes of behavior. This will help introduce emotions in a proper form, maintain conflict-free relations with trainees and colleagues in future. Consequently, a well-developed reflection of feelings enables a future physical education teacher to not only establish structural relations with his associates at the time being, but also plan long-lasting communication in the long view.

The purpose of the study was to develop and scientifically substantiate the methodology of development of future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport.

Materials and methods. 169 full-time 4th-year students of UralGUFK majoring in "Physical Education" were involved in the 2011-2012 pilot testing. The control group (CG) was made of 82 people, the experimental one (EG) - of 87.

Within the framework of the proposed special course "Psychoregulation", the author's methodology, aimed at self-actualization, analysis, understanding, perception of individual personality traits, development of the emotions recognition and control ability, was implemented in the EG. Reflection of feelings is a labor-intensive, time-consuming process requiring vast psychological resources. Bringing emotions to the level of consciousness and adequate response implies both pedantry (in a good sense) and sensitive attitude to own personality. It is a lengthy and painstaking process requiring maximum frankness, towards oneself first of all. Not every student is ready to discuss the reasons of his emotional states honestly. That is why, before starting a training session, we have always conducted a primary diagnostics of students' readiness for psychological work. We analyzed students' original inquiries for settling various psychological problems, compared them with their actual behavior in response to the offered tests, observed, organized the obtained data. Teacher's proposals as to solution of tasks by particular students were reasoned, grounded and clearly explained for the purpose of achievement of the maximum psychological effect. In 100% of the cases there were no remonstrative reactions from students to the experimenter.

Art technology is an integral part of the developed methodology. This technology is used to immediately determine actual individual characteristics, that could be hidden or distorted at the level of standardized tests and verbal communication, as it is the projection principle that forms the basis of techniques of creative self-expression. The projective content provides for the timely diagnostics of the emerging difficulties, actual emotional states. Reasonably and professionally organized psychological follow-up of the process of teaching of future teachers of educational institutions of physical culture and sport will contribute bringing the mentioned problems at the level of consciousness, and self-acceptance of positive and negative aspects of the student's personality will be less traumatic and more continuous, stable.

The experimenter (within the framework of the personality-centered, activity and competency building approaches) has always introduced an inverse relationship to students in the form of mini-lectures. During this type of work, the respondents were explained as to the need for the well-developed reflection of feelings, its applied significance; inadvisability of focusing on a compulsory, every minute and continuous reward and public attention; intimate work with own feelings; orientation on the inner component when attaining psychological comfort and harmony. Such lectures have always been conducted in the form of a dialogue.

As follows from the reflexive analysis, a lesson has always dropped into a softer tone of a conversation, in this case it was future development of personal characteristics of every student and reaction of the people around to graduates' behavior that was bought into focus. As a rule, at the end of their work students were more thoughtful, silent, and the process of intensive analysis of the late situation was externally-observable. After the seminar, each student had to write a review on the causes of his emotions during the training session, define possible prospects for relations with the people around him/her in case he/she kept to the older behavioral pattern or chose another, more stable, variant.

Training work has always been built so that every student could concentrate on introspection rather than a situation with his/her groupmates or coursemates. Among the ground rules of mindset training is implementation of the principle of privacy of personal information relating to each participant of active training. Since a teacher cannot detect whether this rule is followed or violated by graduates, in our psychological and pedagogical work we used the following means: organization of a lesson with due regard to individual characteristics of every student, dynamic psychological activity with pendulous amplitude, fixation of each student on reflection of own, rather than someone else's feelings.

The students were also offered to verbally set out the necessity to carry out an efficient analysis of their emotional and mental states, express emotions according to the current events, without negative control or risk for themselves. Therefore, we diagnosed, obtained mobile and visual information on the testees' conscious practical application of the acquired information about reflection of feelings.

To estimate the level of development of reflection of feelings we used the following diagnostic psychological methods: 1) "Emotional intelligence self-evaluation" (namely, the fractional scales "Emotional awareness", "Emotional flexibility", "Recognition of other people's emotions" (author - N. Hall), 2) " Perceptive self-appraisal of fractional and integral emotional expressivity " (authors - L.Ye. Bachina, A.E. Ol'shannikova), 3) "Social empathy diagnostics" (under the editorship of N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov, G.M. Manuylov), 4) "Tolerance" (under the editorship of N.V. Dubenyuk).

Results and discussion. The data obtained during the ascertaining experiment are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparative analysis of the indicators of development of reflection of feelings in both groups before the experiment, n=169

Diagnostic methods and scales





X ± σ


X ± σ


Emotional awareness

7.9 ± 2.2


9.1 ± 7.3




Ability to recognize emotions

9.0 ± 2.3


8.8 ± 2.1




Ability to control own emotions

8.1 ± 3.0


8.5 ± 2.2




Social empathy

21 ± 4.0


20 ± 4.0





8.4 ± 2.0


8.5 ± 2.2




Emotional expression

7.1 ± 2.2


7.0 ± 2.1



> 0.05

Legend: X – arithmetic mean, σ – mean square deviation, m – standard error of arithmetic mean, tрStudent's t-criterion, Р – significance level.

As seen from Table 1, before the experimental work, there were no significant differences in the test characteristics in both groups (the estimate indicator was significantly lower than that in the table (t=2.0), at significance level р=0.05). In this case, the main condition of maintaining integrity and validity of the pilot testing was fulfilled. This gave rise to further studies. At the end of the formative experiment the following data were received (Table 2).

Table 2. Comparative analysis of the indicators of development of reflection of feelings in both groups after the experiment, n=169

Diagnostic methods and scales







X ± σ


X ± σ


Emotional awareness

8.8 ± 2.2


14.5 ± 2.4




Ability to recognize emotions

9.3 ± 2.4


13.5 ± 2.9




Ability to control own emotions

9.1 ± 2.1


14.5 ±2.4




Social empathy



28.6 ± 4.0





9.9 ± 2.2


13.1 ± 2.4




Emotional expression

7.3 ± 2.3


9.4 ± 2.3



< 0.05

As presented in Table 2, some significant differences in all the readouts became available. This fact testifies to the effectiveness of the elaborated methodology of development of reflection of feelings.

Conclusions. Implementation of art-technologies within the framework of the author's methodology allows creating the atmosphere of confidence in a class, enables all subjects of the educational process to assume a non-judgemental position, raise the general emotional background. These technologies are aimed at unlocking personality resource potential, improvement of emotional and metal states, stabilization of self-evaluation. The conducted formative experiment has revealed that implementation in the educational process of the developed methodology focused on understanding and perception of personal characteristics, leveling of the effects of negative mental and emotional states on communication, interaction, activity of a future physical education teacher, contributes to significantly positive changes in the test characteristics and ensures the necessary level of development of the studied capability of graduates of educational institutions of physical culture and sport. Using the calibration method, we also detected positive dynamics when working with reflection of feelings. The findings of the analysis were proved by the statistical processing and positive reaction from students.


  1. Kuz'min, A.M. Gumanizatsiya vospitatel'nykh protsessov v obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh fizicheskoy kul'tury: monografiya (Humanization of educational processes in educational institutions of physical culture: monograph) / A.M. Kuz'min. – Chelyabinsk: Ural'skaya akademiya, 2013. – 203 P.
  2. Romanova, N.N. Eksperimental'noe obosnovanie effektivnosti metodiki razvitiya refleksii emotsional'nykh sostoyaniy budushchikh spetsialistov fizicheskoy kul'tury (Experimental justification of efficiency of methods of development of reflection of feelings in future specialists in physical education) / N.N. Romanova // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. – 2010. – № 1. – P. 13–15.

Corresponding author: romanova-natasha@mail.ru