Educational conditions of formation of leadership qualities during vocational training of future physical education teacher



Postgraduate student S.O. Bulgarevich
Professor, Dr.Hab. R.K. Bikmukhametov
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

This article deals with the educational conditions of formation of leadership qualities in the course of training of future teachers of physical education. The authors believe that the conditions that ensure the formation of leadership qualities of students of the Institute of Physical Culture are encouragement of their professional educational activities in the learning process; diagnostics of signs of personal growth, that contribute to adaptation to professional activity, formation of professionally important leadership qualities during professional educational activities.
The purpose of the experiment was to determine the level of the personality development of a future physical education teacher as a leader. The findings showed an improvement in the students’ leadership abilities.

Keywords: educational conditions, leadership qualities, management, physical education.


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