Change from empirical to theoretical scientific analysis as methodological basis to design programs of physical culture, sport and Olympism



Dr.Sc.Phil., professor V.I. Stolyarov
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The development of innovative projects and programs of physical culture, sport and Olympism should be based on the results of a comprehensive and in-depth scientific analysis of these socio-cultural phenomena. Therefore, one of the most important conditions of effective project activity is the use of the principles of modern logic and methodology of scientific knowledge, the dialectical method.
The purpose of the paper is to briefly justify and illustrate this provision. Here the researchers rely upon the author’s own experience in developing innovative projects and programs of physical culture, sport and Olympism (such as the «SpArt» project, the project of humanization of modern sport, the project and the program of Olympic education, the program of integrated physical education, the program of enhancement of physical culture and sports activity of the population). They are specified and justified in the author’s publications.

Keywords: theory, practice, innovative project, methodology, dialectical method.


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