Pedagogical tests to qualify university students for sportized Kendo classes
K.A. Minchenkov1, 4, V.N. Byk2, 4, V.V. Ponomarev3, 4
1 Postgraduate student
2 Head Kendo coach of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
3 Dr.Hab., professor
4 Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
Currently, a variety of sports and sports technologies are being cultivated in the teaching practice of physical education students, but at the same time sports popular among young people in North America, South America, exercises from martial arts, including applied exercises from Japan, the country, where applied exercises originated and were developed, are being insufficiently designed. The oldest martial art of the country of the rising sun - sword exercises - "Kendo" are especially popular among the population of Japan.
To make "Kendo" classes effective and productive the authors developed pedagogical tests for the purpose of qualification of students for sportized classes of this type of applied Japanese sport.
The structure and content of the basic provisions of the training process of university students practicing kendo were presented in the paper.
The stipulated control exercises help conduct the initial qualification of students for regular kendo classes. At the same time, the given control tests contribute to the monitoring and correction of the results of initial kendo classes of university students.
Keywords: physical education, students, pedagogical testing, kendo, sportized classes.
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