Monitoring and Problems of Physical Education of Children and Teenagers



L.A. Semenov
Honored worker of physical culture, Dr.Hab., professor
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut

Key words: monitoring, problems of physical education, children and teenagers, physical condition, control.
Implementation of modernization of physical education of children and adolescents, which has been much written and spoken about recently, is impossible not knowing the weakest aspects in the present system of physical education of this contingent. These weaknesses cannot be defined without system research approaches where monitoring can (apparently, should) be the main method, assuming studying performance of effectiveness indicators of physical education, as well as conditions and processes that determine this effectiveness.
The purpose of the offered work was the brief representation of these problems, which are assumed to be largely of general nature for different regions of Russia.
Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the key problem in the physical education of children and adolescents at the moment (we speak mainly about school, but a similar situation is in preschool educational institutions) is that physical education teachers are not able to manage the process of physical education. The ignorance of goal (regulatory requirement) by a teacher prevents from goal-oriented planning, control and stimulation of interest in the engaged ones (basic control functions). Only the introduction of monitoring to physical education, the educational interpretation of the obtained results during its performance and the subsequent correction of detected deviations will greatly change the actual situation.


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