Improvement of Motor Responses of Karatekas Using Laser Training Stimulator of Visual Motor Responses



I.N. Mandych
Yu.L. Orlov

professor, Ph.D.
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPhC), Moscow

Key words: karate, trainer, motor reaction, training.
During a combat interaction professional karateka must adequately respond to opponent’s actions, perceived visually (moves, attacks, dummies), tactually (holds, ankle trips, throws), he is also obliged to respond instantly to judge's command to start, finish a single combat and during a combat. This fact proves that during a combat karateka needs his auditory, visual and tactile analyzers work in a complex. However, visual analyzers play the main role in the combat interaction, since karateka has to respond more often to opponent's attacking and defensive actions, rather than to his quite rare attempts to unbalance, hold and throw or to judge's signals.
The purpose of the study was to develop and prove experimentally the methodology of training speed of motor responses, enabling enhancement of indices of response in athletes aged 14-15 engaged in sport karate at various training phases.
The application of the method with the use of a laser situational simulator has given positive results. These results confirm the hypothesis of the study, that purposeful change from sound signals to light ones in the training process will lead to an improvement in motor responses in karatekas at the initial phase of sport training. The results of the study will help trainers when planning a training process and designing programs for athletes.


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