Results of Introduction of Technology of Psychoeducational Support of Shooting Training to the Training Process of Young Biathletes



A.V. Khalmanskikh
Ph.D., world-class athlete
Tyumen state university, Tyumen

Key words: shooting skills, children's sport, psychological training, psychotechnical games, ideomotor and autogenous training.
Development of mass, and children's sport in particular, has grown considerably in our country in the recent years.
Biathlon as a sport is directly related to the success of passing the distance in ski races and shooting in complex, frequently changing conditions on the background of a significant fatigue. Skier's cyclic operation in biathlon is combined with acyclic, comprehensive coordination work of a shooter, and the integral index depends on the biathlete's ability to change from one type of activity to another and the ability to control his mental stress.
The purpose of the present paper was to consider the results of the implementation of the model and technology of psychoeducational support of shooting training in the competitive and training processes of young biathletes.
Thus , the introduction into the training and competitive process of biathletes from groups of initial training an educational-training and sports improvement of the diagnosis of athletes' individual personality characteristics and results of competitive activity, targeted selection of psychoeducational events, planning, implementation, monitoring and correction of the results of training at a particular phase promoted significant (p <0.05, p < 0.001) enhancement in the results of shooting exercises at training sessions and competitions, as well as positive changes in the personal properties and qualities.


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