Pedagogical Grounds of Elementary Education and Training



D.A. Tyshler
professor, Dr.Hab.
L.G. Ryzhkova
associate professor, Ph.D.
I.M. Dzoblaeva
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPhC), Moscow

Key words: sports fencing, training principles, pedagogical guidelines, elementary education, initial specialization, advanced training.
Summarizing training and competitive practices, particular educational guidelines were allocated, popular when choosing the content and methods of special training techniques in view of age and training experience. Consequently, certain actions and display of individual qualities, as well as methodologies of technical and tactical perfection, united in the competitive practice, have a multipurpose orientation in sport pedagogics.
The definition of specialized blade movements and movement techniques adapted to motor and mental abilities of students is the most important in assessment of the content and orientation of practical classes.
The purpose of the present work was to specify the basic principles and guidelines to improve the theory and methodology of teaching and training of young fencers.


  1. Tyshler, D.A. Fencing. From beginner to champion / D.A. Tyshler, G.D. Tyshler. – Мoscow: Akademichesky proekt, 2007. – 232 P. (In Russian)
  2. Tyshler, D.A. Fencing. Initial training. Technical and tactical priorities. Techniques and exercises. / D.A. Tyshler, G.D. Tyshler. – Мoscow: Akademichesky proekt, 2010. – 133 P. (In Russian)
  3. Tyshler, D.A. Ryzhkova, L.G. Fencing. Technical-tactical and functional training / D.A. Tyshler, L.G. Ryzhkova. – Мoscow: Akademichesky proekt, 2010. – 183 P. (In Russian)
  4. Fencing. XXI century. Technique. Tactics, Psychology, Training management / Comp. and ed. by D.A. Tyshler. – Мoscow: Chelovek. 2014. – 232 P. (In Russian)