The Correlation of Specifics of Hemispheric Asymmetry and Choosing the Way How to Move Legs at the Initial Phase of Learning Swimming



D.A. Lavrent'eva, postgraduate
A.Yu. Aleksandrov, associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka

Key words: education, swimming, hemispheric asymmetry.
Bilateral asymmetry of the locomotor system is among the peculiarities of the cerebral morphological organization during motor activity. Studies of a number of scientists have shown that the individual profile asymmetry (IPA) is the basis of individual characteristics of motor activity.
There is a significant amount of information on initial teaching swimming to different age groups In the modern methodology of teaching swimming.
The purpose of the present study was to reveal the relations between the choice of the footwork structure in the water at the initial phase of learning to swim with the hemispheric asymmetry of trainees.
The comparison of results of the selection of the swimming technique by students and children showed that, unlike children, more students have chosen the simultaneous structure of working leg movements and only a third - the alternate structure of footwork, which is twice less compared with children.
Such changes in the choice of the structure of footwork in learning swimming, depending on the age of the student, is likely related to the amount of the motor experiences, accumulated by the subjects of the study, however, this assumption needs more scientific research. In the peer-reviewed literature on swimming we have not found an answer to this question.


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