International Program "Health and Behavior of Schoolchildren"



O.A. Churganov, professor, Dr.Hab.
O.M. Shelkov, associate professor, Ph.D.
A.V. Malinin, A.A. Matochkina, Ph.D.
D.N. Pukhov
research worker. St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture
V.K. Balsevich member-correspondent of RAE, professor, Dr.Hab..
L.I. Lubysheva professor, Dr.Hab.
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow

Key words: physical activity of schoolchildren, socio-pedagogical monitoring.
The purpose of the research was to identify general and specific health-related attitudes of pupils to the behavior of schoolchildren, held according to the program using a uniform methodology and data analysis procedures.
Proceeding from the analysis of the findings, the efforts to increase physical activity of schoolchildren should be aimed at identifying the reasons of low physical activity and forming the motivational mechanisms.


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