Formation of Motor Readiness for Learning Technique of Playing Basketball



N.G. Puchkova, associate professor, master of sports of international class, silver medalist of the XXI Olympic games
D.A. Raevskiy, associate professor, Ph.D.
E.I. Zhmurko
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow

Key words: system of physical education, integration, level of teachers' vocational competence, traumatic means of physical education, risk factors, health risk groups, special medical groups.

One of the problems children have when learning the technique of playing basketball is insufficient motor readiness. Usually, it becomes a factor of undue stress, improper position of hands and fingers (when catching and passing the ball); inconsistent arm and leg movements; slapping of the ball (when dribbling); the low trajectory of flight during shots when standing and on the move.
The purpose of the present study was to form the motor readiness of schoolchildren for learning the technique of playing basketball.
At the initial stage of training it is important to learn how to take off with the left (or in rare cases, right) leg. When offering pupils a new exercise, special attention should be paid to those aspects of motor readiness, which contribute to the most qualitative learning of movements within the structure of coordination motor act.
Thanks to this the technique of playing basketball will be further learnt with the minimum errors. The formed motor readiness will contribute to effectivization of primary education and reduction of the time.


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