Replacement of hydrogenous locomotions in applied swimming training of military school cadets



O.E. Ponimasov
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Military Institute of Physical Culture, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg

The possibility of teaching cadets applied swimming using individual motor experience was considered in the paper. The concept of human hydrogenous locomotions was determined. It has been found that the use in the educational process of the technique of replacement of hydrogenous locomotions contributes to better adaptation of military men to the specifics of professional military actions in water. The results of the educational experiment, characterizing the differences in performance of test exercises between the subjects of the experimental and control groups, were given in the paper. Applied swimming training on the basis of replacement of hydrogenous locomotions is a priority area in the improvement of swimming skills of military men.

Keywords: hydrogenous locomotions, functions of applied swimming.


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