Formation of physical culture department in Russian civilian universities in the 30-ies years of XX century



N.S. Panchuk1, 5, B.A. Mikhaylov2, 5, V.V. Trunin3, 6, E.N. Bryukhachev4, 7
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education
3 Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education
4 Postgraduate
5 St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
6 St. Petersburg State Conservatory, St. Petersburg
7 Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo

The purpose of the work was to carry out a historical analysis of the formation of Physical Education Departments in civilian higher schools on an example of Leningrad University in the 30-s of the XX century.
In the period of 1930-1940 Physical Education Departments were established in civilian universities, which initially were united with War Cabinets. Since their establishment, in addition to academic work with students, the Physical Culture (Physical Education) Departments in higher institutions took over the responsibility for managing and carrying out mass sports and physical culture events. The Physical Education Department of Leningrad University has passed a difficult way of formation in the 30-s. As a result of the methodical effort of the staff of the department in the last pre-war years the university became a leader of university sport in Leningrad, not only in numbers, but also skill.

Keywords: physical culture, university sport, Physical Education Department.


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