Formation of physical education system of Don Cossacks in cadet educational institutions



A.I. Alifirov1, 3, V.Yu. Karpov2, 3
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Dr.Hab, Professor
3 Russian State Social University, Moscow

The technique of physical training of Cadets of the Cossack corps based on the integration of traditional means of military sports and physical training of the Don Cossacks with modern techniques of physical development of adolescents and young people promotes more effective solution of the tasks of improvement of physical working capacity of students, strengthening of their health, improvement of emotional-volitional, socio-regulatory personality traits. Methods of formation of healthy lifestyle, development of self-hardening skills and abilities and self-control of physical loads occupy a special place in the technique of physical training of Cadets of the Cossack corps. Whilst implementing the technique of physical education of students of the cadet corps based on the traditions of the Cossacks gender, age, psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people are taken into account. In addition there are used phased and optimally graduated military physical exercises aimed at the development of various physical qualities, applied military motor skills, formation of hand-to-had fight, horse riding, cold weapons and firearms skills, as well as training of courage, determination and devotion to the Fatherland.

Keywords: physical education system, Cossacks, healthy lifestyle, physical properties, applied training, cadet Cossack education system.


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