Comparative analysis of exercising motives of hockey players of all ages and sports experience



V.V. Filatov
Associate Professor
National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg

The article is dedicated to the matter of motivation at initial stages of sports occupations. The motives influencing the children’s choice of hockey classes at the early stages of long-term training and the factors that motivate and stimulate children and adolescents to hockey classes in sports schools are adduced in the paper. 60 players from different age groups (6-7 years, 15-16 years and 17-21 years) and with different sports experience (from 2 to 13 years) were involved in the study. There were allocated five groups of motives, inherently related with the structure of sports activity of hockey players, with the desire for perfection, the desire to achieve a certain status and success in the chosen sport, representing the realized dream, and motives, associated with various types of adverse external factors. Special attention in the paper was given to the fact that the motives of beginner sports classes depend on the age of the children and adolescents. Many hockey players were poorly informed about the specifics and requirements of the sport they chose. Therefore, in the researchers' opinion, means of sports education should be used more widely to form the attractiveness and sustainable interest in the chosen sport.

Key words: hockey, motivation, young athletes.


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