Influence of sports activity type on some properties of nervous system



V.G. Balyuk1, 3, N.V. Balyuk2, 3
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Ph.D., Associate Professor
3 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk

Changes in lability and balance of nerve processes, as well as strength and tolerance of the nervous system under the influence of different kinds of sports activity were studied using the survey of three groups of elite athletes, respectively engaged in cyclic sports, bandy and gymnastics, and a group of beginner athletes involved in conditioning training. It has been proved that systematic, strictly organized workouts affect neurodynamic characteristics, and the degree of their manifestation is determined by the specificity and duration of the training process. Hockey players have the most labile and balanced nerve processes and the strongest and most tolerant nervous system. These neurodynamic indices hardly differ in gymnasts and students engaged in cyclic sports. Novice athletes have the lowest levels of the examined neurophysiological characteristics.

Keywords: athletes of varying skill levels, lability and balance of nerve processes, strength and tolerance of nervous system.


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