Dynamics of physical health indicators of children of primary school age



S.A. Srulevich1, 3, J.N. Vlasova2, 3
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Ph.D., Associate Professor
3 Transbaikal State University, Chita

Sports and fitness activities are of great importance in the school day regimen. They promote an increase of motor activity of pupils and foster the habit of systematic physical exercises.
The purpose of the study was to develop and scientifically justify the targeted increase of motor activity, for health formation, enhancement of physical development and physical fitness of elementary pupils.
Proceeding from the experiment in the substantiation of the effectiveness of the modular program designed by the researchers, the independent physical training in the form of morning exercises and home classes for the development of physical qualities contributed to an increase in motor activity, and had a positive effect on the level of health, physical development and physical fitness of children of the experimental group compared to the control one.
The designed and implemented model of the modular work program promoted a reduction in the time of regenerative processes in the body, as well as a positive effect on the level of physical health of elementary pupils.

Keywords: physical culture, physical education class, health culture, elementary pupils, physical fitness.


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